Sally- 22

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Disclaimer: Unfortunately, these characters and photos don't belong to me.

Annabeth's POV

Percy hung up the phone with a frown. I could tell by the look of his face he was confused as I was after the call. He ran a hand through his already messy hair.

"What am I going to do?" Percy asked. I pulled out my keys to my silver Mercedes and made a jingling sound with them. "But Gabe..."

"The police are there, Seaweed Brain." I interrupted, flicking his forehead. He stared at me as if I was growing arms out of my ears. "Plus, every time I've come over, your mom was at work. The last time I saw her was at the Christmas party."

Percy thought it over for a minute. "Fine, but if Gabe does anything: you're leaving."

"I agree to those terms," I stated. "Now, I want blue cookies. Let's go."

(Timeskip because no Percabeth moments happen and it's extremely boring)

Percy practically ran up the stairs into his apartment. I had no trouble keeping up, but I kept getting distracted by the terrible design of the building. Just one extra column would reduce the chance of the building collapsing.

Mr. Blofis forgot to mention the amount of officers that were in the apartment. I counted the amount of police and CSI agents that were in just the living room: thirteen CSI and twenty officers.

Percy quickly rushed over to his mom to give her a hug. I followed closely behind. Mr. Blofis, who had his arm around Sally's shoulder, offered me a small smile.

"What's going on?" Percy asked and looked around the apartment. "Where's Gabe?"

"Like I said over the phone, I wanted to talk to your mom about your assessment grade. When I went to knock on the door, I heard a vase break and a man yell something. I just assumed I got the wrong apartment until your mom yelled too. Using the key under the welcome mat, I unlocked the door. The man had a-a piece of the broken vase and was using it to cut your mom." Mr. Blofis answered for her. "He ran off when I dialed 911."

"Was it Gabe?" Percy asked his mom with a worried look. Ms. Jackson didn't answer. "Mom. Did Gabe do it?"

Several of the officers were listening, but Percy kept his attention on his mom.

"Who's Gabe?" An officer asked.

When Percy's mom didn't answer, Percy muttered something under his breath.

"Speak up, please." Another officer said.

Percy inhaled deeply and stared at the police and CSI. "My abusive stepdad."

A/N: I'm gonna go...... please don't hate me.

Word Count: 445

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