The Interview

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A/N~I'm a grown ass adult looking back at this and i gotta set shit right. Read last chapter. (2022)

A/N~ This is about me not you, get over it, he's mine. (Please don't put me in jail, I won't hurt anyone, please don't, I'm nice I swear) (2018)

I looked in the mirror one final time. Today was the big day, my interview with Mr. Musk. I had on a white button down blouse, dark blue suit jacket, and a matching pencil skirt. I had my auburn hair in a low messy bun that I spent 3 hours making look good. My main goal is to impress Elon with my intellect and good looks.

As I did the finishing touches, my dog whined for a treat. After I gave him said treat, he was finally satisfied enough to let me go. He is a needy dog. I hopped in my Tesla Roadster, which was another thing I had gotten to impress Elon (which also got me $100,000 in debt).

I had dreamt of this moment since I was 16. I harassed him on Twitter everyday, liked every single one of his tweets, and had post notifications on. I told all my high school friends that I would at least work for him one day, but they all laughed at me because they thought I was joking. Little did they know, I was 100% serious. Today was the day I would prove to them I could achieve my dreams.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now