A Complete Diversion

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As soon as I entered the room, Zuckerburg turned to me and grinned with all of his disgusting fangs.

"Ah, (My Name), so glad you could join us. Elon here was just about to break."

Elon was chained to a wall. His suit was torn and his body was scratched, as if claws had grazed him. There was blood on his face and on his body where all of the cuts were. Looking at Elon like this made the fire in my heart grow hotter and more out of control. I wanted nothing more than that monster to be completely destroyed... at my hands.
I pulled out a gun that I snagged from the special agents.

"No one is giving up today."

"(My name)! Get out of here!" Elon screamed.

"I'm not leaving you again."

"Too bad. You should have listened." Zuckerburg hissed at me.

He lunged at me, before my mind could process what was going on, I shot him in the right eye. He screeched in pain and fell back. I took cover behind one of the desks that had fallen over. I shot him in his right hand a couple of times before repositioning. 'I'm gonna take him down myself. If it's the last thing I do.'

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