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I am a grown ass person now. I have ideals that are my own and I have learned so much more. I clearly wrote this as a joke, but there are many people in this book that I have grown to truly hate. Elon Musk is surely one of them. I was ignorant to how billionaires come to exist and the suffering their existence causes. The hoarding of wealth must come to an end. I truly believed that Musk would be the one to donate their wealth to noble causes, but all he has done is make himself more rich and buy Twitter. During the pandemic he lied and said his companies were working on medical filters, they never came. He promised to give $6 billion USD to the United Nations to end world hunger, that never happened. All he does is bitch about how he has to pay his fair share of taxes and then turn around and dump $44 billion on Twitter even though it was only worth about $8 billion. Regardless of pointless Twitter nonsense, billionaires get their money from exploitation of the workers. The board members take in all of the profit generated by these big companies. How many of you/have family members that work for huge companies like Pepsi or Amazon and barely make a living? It's not just wrong, its a crime against humanity. Not to mention this asshole is transphobic as fuck.

Don't even get me started on Ben fucking Shapiro. That guy is denser than the piece of wood he bought from Home Depot. Anyone who is anti abortion, anti LGBTQ+, against common sense gun laws, thinks BLM is bullshit, pro Israel committing crimes against the Palestinians, is silent about the 15,000 protesters in Iran about to be executed, etc. can go fuck themselves to the fullest extent. I would say much worse things if I could about those types.

Also go ahead and unsubscribe from PewDiePie. He has been giving racist vibes for way too long and only brings up issues when its gonna make him look good. I can't get the bridge out of my head. He didnt even apologize at the time, didnt even react initially. He said it so.. confidently, like it's just a part of his everyday vocabulary. Obviously this is my opinion, but I do not think he is a good person based on his videos.

I could go on but I feel I have made my point. Now is not the time to be silent about these things, and I surely don't want anyone to look up to any of these people because of this shitty story. Don't idolize anyone. Use your heads and always question the people that you view as role models. Never be afraid to question your own beliefs. And NEVER look up to billionaires :)

HOW TO HELP: Spread the word about the 15,000 protestors in Iran, share any posts you see that share the information. Donate to Palestine-based relief funds. Contact your local Congressperson and tell them the importance of abortion and gun control. BLM links below. Record police ESPECIALLY if you notice excessive force. STAY EDUCATED AND UP TO DATE!!! There will always be fake information from the left and the right.

I want to express my disappointment in Elon's actions regarding the protests. Before I do this, I want to explain my views on what is going on so that maybe you will see where I'm coming from. I stand with the Black Lives Matter movement, I agree with the peaceful protests, I believe that if there is no justice, then there will be no peace. I stand with those who support human rights for all.

Elon Musk remaining silent and choosing to take a break from twitter speaks volumes to me. Instead of using his voice to spread the change, he chose to ignore it. This is extremely wrong. I understand if things are beginning to become overwhelming and are affecting people negatively, but choosing to remain silent on these matters is wrong. In order to make change, we must face the harsh realities of the system we are a part of.

I want to take the time and say that I do not agree with anyone who doesn't stand on the side of justice, even if I have mentioned them in this story. At this point, they can all go fuck themselves.

If you want to help support police brutality victims and their families, I will put as many links as I can find here, feel free to leave more in the comments. If you don't have money, watch this video: [] All of the proceeds will be divided amongst organizations and donated to the cause.

Please do not be silent during these times, we need to speak up and speak out. No justice, no peace.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now