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A/N~ So I had a dream like a week ago that I was Elon Musk's assistant/secretary or whatever, but would he even need someone to do that? I really don't know, so sorry for the extremely bland job, that's what I dreamt about, that's how it's gonna be. Get over it.

I walked in sheepishly, still extremely anxious. I wish Elon would just light me up with his Not a Flamethrower. We went back into his office and I took out a legal pad and a pen. He began to talk about the statuses of his companies. I wrote everything blindly, not fully aware of what he was even talking about. I was too busy thinking about other things...

'I'm in the same room as Elon friggin Musk. And he is speaking to me. Granted, it's my job to listen to what he says and write it down, but his sound waves are directed towards me. Me.' I thought to myself.

"[My name]."

I snapped back into focus, and looked up slowly at him.

"Yes, sir?"

"I asked if you were available tomorrow for a business meeting I have over at the Tesla Headquarters."

"Oh, yes. Of course."

I looked back down at the legal pad and avoided eye contact as much as possible. He continued talking about his businesses and other endeavors, and I wrote feverishly. I can't believe I really got this far. I know it's only the first day, but I really hope I can make Elon proud.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now