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I was alone in Mark's house. I felt useless and hopeless. 'This is all my fault. He's in danger again because of me. But I can't just leave him like this. I need to save him.' The a thought popped into my head.

'Elon has Ben Shapiro in his back pocket. Now the problem is getting Elon's phone in order to call him.'

I went into his Tesla. 'He has to have his phone in here somewhere.' As I was rummaging through his car, I said out loud "I just need to call the President!" and I heard a noise come the speaker. It was the same type of noise that you would hear if you turned on a Bluetooth speaker.

"Calling: President Ben Shapiro."

I had no idea that you could call people on Teslas without your phone being connected to it. It must have been a new software update. The phone rang a couple of times and eventually the President's voice filled the Tesla.

"Hey Elon, what do you need?"

"I'm so sorry to bother you Mr. President, but Elon is in trouble."

"What kind of trouble? I can destroy any libtard that stands in my way."

"Mark Zuckerburg is trying to steal information from him, but he's not even really Mark Zuckerburg anymore. He's-"

"A reptilian cyborg. I knew it all along. I'm taking the Air Force One over to California right away."

He hung up, and I knew we would be saved.

A/N~ Sorry to all Libtards reading this story, but Ben Shapiro is right. Facts don't care about your feelings.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now