Moving On

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On the way home, I thought about everything that just happened. 'This could be my chance to finally move on from Elon...' I got home and texted my boss that I was going to get a new job. I texted Mark.

"When do you want me to start?"


"No interviews or anything?"

"No need."

Something didn't feel right. I felt like I was betraying Elon. 'Stop, you guys aren't even together anymore. You deserve this.' I pulled out the same outfit I wore to my interview with Elon. The dark blue pencil skirt and suit jacket with the white blouse. Tears filled my eyes. 'Maybe I'm not ready to move on.' I sat on the bed with my dog.

"What do I do (My dog's name)?"

He whimpered a little bit and climbed into my lap.

"You cry all the time, just like you're momma." I chuckled.

'I still love Elon. But it's not like I'm going to date Mark just because I work for him. It's fine.' I ate a lunchable to help calm my nerves. When that didn't work, I turned on the Lunchable cartoon, starring the yellow glowing bear Lunchable. That didn't work either, so I laid my clothes on the end of my bed and went to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt nauseated. I felt like something was off, like someone was watching me. I closed all my windows and made sure they were locked as well. I got into the shower to hopefully make me feel better. I began to think.

'Why am I feeling this way? It's nothing. You're just shaken from Victor. But that was months ago, something really isn't right.' I got out of the shower and wrapped myself with a towel. Once I was finished getting ready, my phone went off and I checked it. It was Mark.

"Come to my house. It's at (Mark's Address)."

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now