I Got a Golden Tesla!

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I was so ecstatic! Me, working for Elon? Elon and I, in the same sentence? I'm so proud of me. I drove home in my Roadster, humming the tune "I Got a Golden Ticket," I have never been so happy in my entire existence.

When I arrived home, the first thing I did was contact my old high school buddies and rub my success in all of their faces.

"Haha, I told you I would work for him ELON time ago! You guys thought I was kidding!"

They all hung up because they didn't care, but they just suck. I work for Elon now, I don't need them. Instead I told my dog all about it, he can't hang up on me. I went to the store later on, so I can show off to random people that I worked for Elon.

I wandered the chip aisle, and a little kid was running around. I stopped him and said "Guess what?"

"Chicken butt?"

"No, I work for Elon Musk and you don't, haha loser."

As he started to cry, I grabbed some barbecue chips, and went to the soda aisle. An old woman was backing out on a mobility scooter. I stopped her and said "I work for Elon Musk, and you can't because you're old and will die soon."

She didn't hear me because she turned out to have a broken hearing aid, but oh well. I grabbed a Pepsi, and went to the check out.

As the cashier scanned my items, she asked "How are you?"

"Great, I got a job from Elon Musk."

She didn't talk to me after that, I gave her my money, and said "There will be a lot more where that came from soon." and winked at her. She still ignored me, and I left feeling like a million Teslas.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now