The Date

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I looked in my closet for a dress. I found another black dress that had a midriff and was also strapless. it was floor length and not too dramatic. 'Perfect.' I put on my stilettos despite the fact that they gave me the worst cramps ever. I curled my hair slightly, and did my usual makeup since I always wear dramatic makeup. I grabbed my purse and left (Best Friend No. 2)'s house.

I put my bags in the trunk of my car. It was weird being three inches taller than normal, after all I'm only 5 feet tall. I got into my car and texted Elon.

"So what's the game plan?"

"I will pick you up, you'll know when I come."

I wondered what he meant by that. I didn't have to wait long, because he pulled up to my house with a limousine. I know, it's obvious, but I was still in awe. It wasn't only just a limousine, it was a Tesla Limo. He rolled down his window.

"Do you like it?" he said with a smile.

I nodded awkwardly. He got out of the limo and walked up to me. He grabbed my hands and looked down at me. I blushed and smiled at him. He walked me to the limo with our arms intertwined. He opened the door for me and I got inside.

It was extremely roomy in the limo. It had a mini fridge and basically all the limousine essentials. Elon got in behind me and shut the door. The back of the limo was pretty much completely separate from the front. Although there was plenty of room in the limo, he sat right next to me. I put my hand on top of his and laid down on his shoulder.

"How long have you had this?" I asked him, referring to the limo.

"I've had it in the making for a few months, the actual car itself has been done for about 2 months."

When we arrived at Gusteau's, we were welcomed by someone taking a picture of us on his phone. He had the flash on, so it was fairly obvious. We went inside, and Linguini himself showed us to our table. We sat in a booth by a one way window.

We had ordered food and talked about ourselves a little bit more. We both ratatouille. I barely ate because I was too nervous about looking like a savage. Once we had finished and stopped focusing on each other, we glanced at the window. What we saw shocked us both.

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