Battle Ignition

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Zuckerburg screamed out of rage and looked for me with his one good eye. I managed to sneak around closer to Elon. He was still chained, and at this point, unconscious. I decided it was best to try and get Elon down from there while Mark was distracted with his pain and desperately searching for me.

"Please be ok..." I whispered as I tried my best to unlock his chains.

They rattled a bit too loudly, and Mark lunged towards me. He pinned me down, and the gun had been knocked out of my hands.

"You should have listened to Elon when he said to leave, this is the end for you." His voice was even more distorted and robotic like, and looking at him was one of the most unnerving sights I had ever seen.

He opened his mouth wide, his teeth were as sharp as ever, I had to act quickly. I tried my best to get my arms free, but to no avail. I kneed him in the groin, which made him loosen his grip enough just enough to get my arms out and punch him off of me. My punches didn't affect him much, I'm not a very strong person, but it was enough to get him off, and to get the gun. I aimed it at his chest, where I assumed his "life source" would be.

"This is it Mark. Let him go, and I won't shoot."

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now