The Incognito Tab

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I woke up the next morning, feeling well rested for the first time since I had dinner at Elon's mansion. I got up and got ready for work. Today I wore a black suit with a red shirt underneath. I wasn't in the best mood, so wearing something different was refreshing.

I didn't want to have to deal with the Anonymous Caller again today, so maybe since I'm wearing something different for once, they won't recognize me. Today, Elon was meeting me at SpaceX. 'Hopefully the Anonymous Caller won't-'

I shook my head. 'This guy is getting to me. This is probably exactly what he wants. It's a mind game.' I walked my dog, and since I was an hour early, I stopped and talked with (Best Friend No. 2).

She was also getting ready for work. She worked at Subway and had her little uniform on. We sat at her dining room table and drank coffee.

"So, are you going to Tesla HQ, the Boring Company..."

"SpaceX today, actually."

"Dang, are you guys going to Mars for your honeymoon?"

I kicked her leg under the table and chuckled.

After I finished my coffee, I drove her to work. She wanted to show off my car to her coworkers. As I pulled up to the Subway, I got a text message. After we had parked, I saw it was from Elon.

"Come over to my house first, then we will go to SpaceX."

"Ok, see you in a bit."

I dropped off (Best Friend No. 2) and went to his house. I kept my eyes peeled for that red Model 3. This time I felt more safe, so that probably meant, hopefully meant, that the Anonymous Caller was busy with other things. After all, it was Monday, so he must've had work.

Once I had arrived at his mansion, I saw that he was already standing outside. I got out of my car, and walked up to him.

"I have a surprise for you."

"Elon, I-"

Before I could say a word, his garage opened. He was giving me a new car. It was a Tesla Roadster, but it was matte black with tinted windows. Very incognito.

"Th-thank you..."

"Don't mention it, it's for your protection, of course."

He just shows me that he cares about me more and more everyday...

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