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"He got transported to the UK."

He was in that bad of a condition? I need to see him, he has to be ok.

"Take me there. I will pay you if you do, just please."

They looked at each other once again, and nodded. They got the helicopter to take me to the airport, and made sure that I would be stable while I was on the plane.

"Just hang on, Elon. Please be ok." I kept muttering to myself.

The flight was long and every moment made me more and more anxious. We got off the plane and they escorted me to where they had left Elon. It was a strange house. Like, it was big and all, but it was just a house. What was Elon doing here?

I knocked on the door and to my surprise Elon answered the door. He seemed to be in almost perfect health apart from the scratches still barely visible on his face. He pulled me close to him, but gently, he knew I was still in pain. I was so happy to see him again, but was still curious as to why he was in the UK.

"Elon, what are you doing here? What's going on?"

"The reason why Mark was after me.. was to stop me from coming here, and fulfilling my duty."

"What duty is that?"

He grabbed my hand and led me inside, what I saw was extraordinary.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now