The SpaceX Tour

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Although we were in a conference
room, it wasn't an actual conference. In fact, it was just him and I. I didn't talk much to him. I felt weird. I wasn't sure why. Well, I knew why, it was just unjust. He didn't have to tell me everything. In fact, he didn't have to tell me anything at all. He's the boss, and I'm the employee.

But why did he ask me that question? I was going to head out, but Elon stopped me.

"What's wrong?"


"Come on, I know there's something wrong, you didn't even try to say goodbye."

"Well we drove here together so technically we aren't separating yet."

He shrugged, and walked to me.

"Seriously, tell me what's wrong."

"I don't know. I'm just worried about whatever you were thinking about."

"It really was nothing. I get too ahead of myself. It's fine. Trust me."

I shuddered at the words "Trust me." It reminded me of all the guys I've ever been with or even known. "Trust me." 'But Elon is different right? He shows me time and time again that he cares about me, he can't be like them.'


I felt eased, yet anxious at the same time. It felt nice to trust someone, but I also felt that I couldn't trust him. But despite the conflicting emotions,
once he had gestured for me to give him a hug, I hugged back.

He showed me around SpaceX in a very similar fashion to the Tesla Tour, only there was much more to see here. There were models of all sizes of future projects, all sorts of different prototypes, it was so awe inspiring.

"What do you think?"

"It's so amazing. I took a lot of astronomy classes back in college, and the things we discussed seemed so far out of our reach. But seeing all this, it's so crazy."

He chuckled, and I blushed. I felt like a kid in a candy shop. I hope the Boring Company is this interesting.

We walked towards the exit and I let him be the gentleman that he is. On the way back to his house, we talked about all the possibilities that the future held for human civilization and space exploration. He was so smart, I could never have conversations like this with anyone else, not this complex at least.

When we arrived at his house, I walked him up to his door. We hugged once again. I felt so safe in his arms. 'Maybe I can actually trust him without worrying.'

The drive back to (Best Friend No. 2)'s house was uneventful and calm, which was a nice change of pace. I thought about Elon the whole way home.

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