The Dream

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I went to my friend (My best friend's name)'s house. I haven't seen her in a few years, so it was pretty nice to see her. She had a Sonic the hedgehog shirt, black basketball shorts, a blue hoodie, and pink slippers. Just as I had remembered her. She had brown hair and glasses, and lived in the middle of nowhere. She also lived right next to some rinky dink gas station.

"Hey, (My best friend's name)."

"Hi, (My name), long time no see." she winked at me.

"I'm sorry this was such short notice."

"It's ok, we won't have a bad time."

She showed me to her guest bedroom. It had posters of Sonic everywhere. It looked just like her old room. Since it was a pretty long drive to her house, I was extremely tired. We went to bed.

"Goodnight, (My best friend's name)."

"Time to get some rest (My name), not getting enough sleep can ruin your whole day!" she said in a theatrical, yet nasally voice. Sounded familiar.

I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in a very large room, in a very big bed. I got up, and went to explore where I was. Once I opened the door, Mr. Musk was standing there. This was obviously his house. I blushed, but was mainly confused and scared. Why was I here? How did I get here?

He gestured for me to give him his hand. I put my hand in his and he began to lead me somewhere. I've never been to any other place in his house but his office and the dining room. He took me to what looked to be some sort of living room.

"Close your eyes, I have a surprise."

I blushed. I heard him walk into another room. I could still see the light through my eyelids. After I heard the door shut, everything went dark.

I opened my eyes. I couldn't see a thing. I began to try to navigate my way through the room to find a light switch, but stopped. Maybe this was part of the surprise? I found my way back to the couch. I closed my eyes again.

The door opened and the lights turned back on.

"You can open them now."

His voice sounded different. Basic. Familiar.

I opened my eyes, I saw a dark figure. He was tall, and loomed over me. I tried to run but he grabbed me. He put his hand over my mouth and dragged me away. Despite my kicking and muffled screaming, I couldn't get away.

The figure threw me into a dark room.

"You will never steal him from me." He slammed the door and then...

I woke up.

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now