The Dinner

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I wore a plain black dress with no sleeves. I had my hair up in a more fancy bun than I usually had as well. I looked in the mirror a final time. I hope I wasn't overdressing again...

I picked up my dog and gave him a hug. He's a good boy. I gave him another treat, and went to get in my roadster.

I was much more relaxed. I wasn't driving fast. I was happy, don't get me wrong, but I felt that this was just a friendly invitation. He might have even invited other workers from Tesla.

I got stuck at a red light, so I took a breath. I was beginning to get nervous. I tried to relax. The red light felt like it took 3 years to change. I continued to Mr. Musk's house. 'I hope I don't mess this up...' I thought to myself.

I had pulled up to his mansion. I remembered how big it was, and wondered how big the dinner table would be. Everything he has seems to be big... I walked up the sidewalk to his house, and my heels made very loud noises. 'I hope they don't annoy him.'

I hesitated as I walked up to the door. 'What if once he gets to know me he doesn't like me anymore? What if he thinks I'm too shy, or too loud? What if he fires me or something?' I shook my head. 'You got this, (My name)' I knocked.

Mr. Musk wore a black suit with a white shirt. I started blushing. He looked so handsome... He opened the door for me, and walked me to the kitchen. He pulled the chair out for me to sit in, he's such a gentleman. He sat at the end of the table next to me. I was right about his table being big, I didn't expect it to be this big though...

The table was set, and the food was already at the table. It was baeckoffe, a French dish. Although the food looked appetizing, I was nervous to eat.

"You look stunning." he said.

I blushed. "Thank you... you look great too..."

He smiled at me, which made me blush more.

"Tell me more about yourself. How do you like California?"

"It's pretty crowded. More so than (a place I used to live). Good thing you made all those tunnels, I can't imagine the traffic without them."

He laughed. "That's exactly why I made them."

I was beginning to feel more comfortable with him.

"How do you like California?" I asked.

"It's pretty nice here. It's pretty hot here too."

"Back in Arizona, there was a summer where the high was 125 degrees. I almost spontaneously combusted."

He chuckled at my joke. 'I hope I'm making a good impression on him.'

"You're even more charming when you actually talk" he said to me.

I blushed again. Things seemed to be going good. The rest of the night we joked and talked more about ourselves to each other. It was a very fun night. I had arrived at around 7:10, and now it was 9:30.

He smiled at me, and walked me back to my car. I wanted to talk to him more, I wanted to get to know him even better.

"Thank you for inviting me, Mr. Musk."

"Thank you for coming, (My name)."

My heart fluttered. He was so dreamy and sweet. He opened his arms and gestured for a hug. I hugged him, and I was never more comfortable and happy in my entire life. Once we stopped, he opened the door for me once again. I rolled my window down.

"Thank you again, Mr. Musk."

"Call me Elon."

He winked at me, and I could feel my heart race.


"Goodbye..." I said weakly.

As I drove off, I was even happier than when he invited me. He's so great...

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now