The Hangover

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On my way to work the next day, I realized how stupid it was to go to a bar on a Monday night. I was the only one of my group who didn't drink the night before. I had already dropped off (Best Friend No. 2) at Subway. I drove to the Dunkin' Donuts and waited in the parking lot.

'He kissed me. He was so drunk that he kissed me. I hope he doesn't remember it... What will happen if he does?' By the time I got home last night, I had about 10 text messages from him. I didn't read them then. I opened them once I walked into the Dunkin' Donuts.

The last one he sent was "I'm so sorry for the previous messages, I was intoxicated." No shit. I scrolled though to the other messages, which were all flirty and provocative. I blushed, but I knew that it was all in the heat of the moment. It was the whiskey talking, not Elon.

I ordered my drink and left. I headed to his house and got another message. Once I got to his house. I looked to see who sent it. It was the Anonymous Caller. Now seemed like the perfect time to block his number. My phone vibrated again, but it was Elon this time.

"Just come in, I'll be in my office."

I rolled my eyes, why would you drink so much on a Monday night. I walked in quietly and headed up to his office. I lightly knocked before I entered the room.

"Hey (My name)."

"Hello Mr. Musk."

I did feel bad for him, the severity of the hangover was pretty bad, but then again, he did it to himself.

"What exactly happened last night.. I don't remember what parts were real and what parts were a dream."

"You drank a lot of whiskey. I drove you home."

"Are you sure that's it? I could have sworn I-"

He paused and looked embarrassed.


I knew exactly what he was thinking about. I mean, it was on my mind all day.

"I kissed you. Didn't I?"

"Yes, but let's just forget about that." I said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"I'm sorry (My name), I was drunk I didn't kn-"

"It's not that... Let's just forget about it ok..?"

It wasn't because he kissed me. It had nothing to do with that... We sat in silence. I looked at the floor solemnly. He pulled his chair next to mine.

"(My name)?"


He hugged me. I didn't hug back this time.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"It's nothing, Mr. Musk."

"You can call me Elon, remember?"

"I know."

He let me go.

"You know, I'm kind of glad you invited me to the bar." He put his arm around my chair.


"I got to spend a night with a pretty nice girl. I also got to kiss her."

I sighed. I knew he didn't mean it. At least I don't think he did.

"Hey." he said.

I looked up at him and he kissed me again. I didn't pull away this time,
it was genuine. Once he was done, we just looked into each other's eyes.

"I really do like you (My name)."

The Musk of Love (Elon Musk x Me)Where stories live. Discover now