Chapter Three

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We're sat in reception just outside the office, waiting for our turn to talk with the principle. I'm sitting next to Elle, who's sitting across from Noah and she turns to me with a strict face.

"Why would you do that?" she scolds.

"Lee was in trouble and Tuppen smacked your ass. What was I supposed to do?!" I whisper yell back.

"She's right, Shelly," Noah adds.

"Any excuse for a fight, right?" Elle asks, turning to Noah.

"I don't start fights, okay? I only finish them," Noah starts, "and besides, no one should treat a girl like that... Especially if that girl is you."

"Me?" Elle asks softly. Always falling for Noah, typical.

"Yeah. It's like those guys are trying to get in my little sister's pants, which is super gross."

I stifle a laugh as Elle's face falls. Lol, 'little sister'.

"You know, you have zero experience with guys," Noah begins.

"Yeah, you've never even had a boyfriend," I add. Yet again, I've never had a boyfriend...

"Uh, w-whatever!" Elle stutters.

"Wearing a skirt like that is asking for it," Noah continues.

"Seriously? You want to go down that road?" Elle looks at him like, 'oh, no you didn't'.

Noah thinks about it for a second, then shakes his head.

"Nah. I kind of just played the whole sexist conversation out in my head and it always ended with me sounding like a dick."

"That is true," I laugh, pointing at him.

The doors open Tuppen emerges from the office, with Principle Dearing behind him.

"Miss. Evans," he says, looking at me. I stand and as I'm walking past Tuppen, I shoulder him in the arm considering he's a little taller than me.

I take a seat in front of his desk as he takes a seat on the other side.

"Now, Miss. Evans-"

"If I'm going to receive punishment, then give it quickly so it can be over with," I interrupt.

"I will, but you need to know the exact reasons why," he informs.

"Look, I only punched Tuppen because he harassed my friend and slapped my sisters ass."

"That language is not needed Miss. Evans."

"Sorry," I look down into my lap.

"You're lucky I'm giving you a chance. Just detention tomorrow," he says.

I smile, looking up at him, "thank you, sir. Oh and please just... don't tell my dad."

"Alright. Out. And get your sister for me."

"Yes, sir," I say as I leave.

As I close the door behind me, I look at Elle.

"Elle you're up, I'll see ya at lunch. You too, Noah. Bye!"


I'm standing in the lunch line with Lee and see the O.M.G girls sit down next to Elle.

"What are the O.M.G girls doing with Elle?"

"Omg? Where? Is Mia asking for me?" Lee looks at me panicked.

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