Chapter Twenty-Four

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Finally arriving, Noah parks the car in the lot behind the building and hands me the keys, getting out of the car. I put them in my purse and walk over to Noah, looking up and smiling at him. He grabs my hand and we enter through the staff door. I pulled some strings and got the student council to agree with putting a replica of the kissing booth in 'Memory Lane'. That's where our plan will unfold.

The limo with Elle and the rest of them should arrive in a few minutes or so. They had to pick up a few more students before they came here, so that's why Noah and I got here earlier. We reach the inside and Noah walks behind the booth with me discreetly following behind him.

"You nervous, Noah?" I ask as he turns around to face me, breathing deeply.

"A little," he laughs shakily.

I laugh too, reaching out to straighten his tux and wipe off any extra dust or speckles on it.

"Okay... I'm gonna go get ready to sing, will you be okay here?" I ask.

He nods and smiles, "of course, Raptor. Break a leg."

"Okay, thank you! See you soon!" I smile, planting a kiss on his cheek and walking out to the prom room. Quickly, I get my phone out and text Emily that I'm ready and walking to the doors.

I'm literally taking a stroll down Memory Lane, looking at all the photos that were taken throughout this year.



Tuppen at the keg chug...

The day at Venice Beac-

Oh my God is that me?!

I stop near the doors to the prom room, the loud music from the band blasting through them as I gape at the photo of me on stage at the fundraiser. Yearbook Guy captured me as I was holding the mic in front of my face, eyes closed and belting out a note with a smile on my face.

In this moment, I finally realise what type of feeling I've been looking for. I haven't been looking for a boyfriend in Lee... or an enemy in Rachel... or a sister in Elle. I finally realise that nothing compared to what I was feeling on that stage that night of the fundraiser. This is where I'm meant to be. Who I was born to be...

Smiling, I turn to face the doors, walking up to them with confidence. Taking in a deep breath, I hear the students applauding the band as they finish their song. Emily takes a peak through the doors to check if I'm ready, to which I nod, then she closes the door to 

"Hello, Los Angeles Country Day Prom!" she welcomes, "now, I'd like to introduce this year's theme... Memories... Photographs that show images of great moments from a truely fantastic year... The moments that stood out and helped to define who we are as a class. It's a final look back to who we were, at the very moment that we're looking forward to who we want to become... So, to make this prom a little bit more special. The student council has invited a very special guest. Please make her very welcome as she performs 'I Was Here' by Beyoncé... Blue Evans!"


The crowd of juniors clap and holler as I push the doors open with confidence, walking to the microphone and nodding to the sound technicians to begin the music. I scan the crowd and see Elle, Lee and Rachel giving my thumbs up from the centre of the room. I allow the music to fill me up and begin to sing...

"I want to leave... my footprints... on the sands of time,

Know there was something that, something that I left behind,

When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets,

Leave something to remember, so they won't forget...

I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here,

I did, I've done, everything that I wanted,

And it was more than I thought it would be,

I will leave my mark so everyone will know, I was here,"

Picking up the mic and stand, I begin to walk around attempting to help everyone understand the meaning of the song through my emotions, telling the story as I sing.

"I wanna say I lived each day, until I died,

And know that I'd been something in somebody's life,

The hearts I have touched,

Will be the proof that I leave,

That I made a difference,

And this world will see,

I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here,

I did, I've done, everything that I wanted,

And it was more than I thought it would be,

I will leave my mark so everyone will know,"

Stopping, I inhale deeply, closing eyes my and open my arms out in front of me as I belt out.

"I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here,

I did, I've done, everything that I wanted,

And it was more than I thought it would be,

I will leave my mark so everyone will know, I was here,

I just want them to know

That I gave my all, did my best,

Brought someone some happiness,

Left this world a little better just because, I was here..."

I stop and open my eyes, looking directly into Lee's eyes

And with determination in my eyes, I finish the song, the crowd supporting me as I do.

"I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here,

I did, I've done, everything that I wanted,

And it was more than I thought it would be,

I wanna leave my mark so everyone will know,

I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here,

I did, I've done,

I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here,

I did, I've done, I was here..."


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