Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Pulling the ripped black knee high socks up my calves and over my black see-through stockings, I slide my feet into the dull moss coloured boots. I walk slowly into the bathroom to see how my last minute costume has turned out.

The soft clap from the rubber heel of my boot erupts from beneath me as I cautiously step on the tile floor. Coming to a halt next to Elle, I look up and into the mirror.

The first thing I see are my eyes. The black eyeliner smeared around them, bringing out brown and white concoction. The natural make-up, other than the eyeliner of course, painted onto my face and the mascara stiffening my lashes the longer I look at them. My long brown-black hair flowing down my back. The red leather jacket hanging  off my shoulders and the black skater dress hugging me loosely.

Could you guess who I am?

Lee struts into the bathroom and halts next to me, giving his costume it final touch ups as he looks in the mirror.

"Rachel's getting here in ten minutes," he says without hesitation.

I look down at that but luckily neither of them notice.

"Is Noah gonna be here tonight?" Elle asks, masking her small sliver of hope.

That's when I nearly break.

"I'll..." I waver, "I'll meet you guys downstairs. I'll um- look out for Rachel for you."

I looking down, I swiftly walk out of the bathroom and into the main part of the house. Music blasting, people dancing, my brother looking like a lost puppy as he follows one of his 'friends' around. I ship it.

I walk to the front door and open it just in time to see Rachel about to knock on it.

"Hey..." she starts, uneasy around me because of our last encounter.

"Hey, Rachel... um, come in..."

I step back and open the door wider so she can enter.

"Wow... this is really cool," she says as she looks around.

"Yeah..." I trail off, my guilt slowly creeping up on me, "I like your costume."

"Thanks, I like yours," she replies kindly, slowly losing the traces of uneasiness, "Scarlett Witch?"

"Yeah," I smile in return, laughing as I say, "Lee and Elle are just upstairs doing their 'final touch ups'. They'll be down soon."

"Cool. I'll guess just hang with you until then."

Debating in my head wether or not apologise to her, I finally come to a conclusion that I should.

"Rachel..." I start, stopping her and pulling her into a quieter place in the house, "look I just wanted to apologise for seriously ruining your prom and yelling at you. I was just really angry that nothing went right and you got the full blast of it. I'm gonna back off you and Lee. I won't jealousy consume me anymore. I'm just really sorry."

Looking at her, you could tell this was not what she was expecting to come out of my mouth. She nods. That's it. Just nods. But within that single nod of her head, came a wave of understanding and sympathy. Walking closer to me, Rachel places her hand on my shoulders and looks me in the eye.

"You're so strong, Blue. And don't ever doubt yourself. Not even for one second. You're loved by so many people, don't be afraid to talk to them."

I smile as my voice wavers slightly, "okay... thank you, Rachel."


After the cake and the tradition of singing 'Happy Birthday', I sneak upstairs and retreat to Noah's room. Leaving the light off, I slowly walk inside and collapse on his bed, taking in the scent of his cologne that he somehow left behind.

And I just lay there. Staring up at the blank ceiling, where not even a single star remains from our childhood.

Memories replay in my head, drowning out the music that blasts downstairs. After what felt like hours of just lying there, I decide to walk to the window and watch the party. I lean on the windowsill, arms folded in front of me and propping me up as I rely on them to keep me up.

I spot Lee, Elle and Rachel all dancing amongst other in the backyard.


I hate the feeling. Rachel and Lee are perfect for each other. So are Elle and Noah.

Isn't love perfectly... annoying as fuck?

The world seems like it's too perfect, with or without the fighting. Apparently the world revolves around money... but to me, that's not the case. Not at all. My world revolves around the people I love and the people that love me. This whole time I've been fighting for love... and sometimes fighting against the ones I love.


How many fucking times do I have to keep coming to that conclusion? Because every single time, I don't want to believe it...

I look down and see all these couples... I see love. People with the ones they desire. Yet I'm up here longing for the one I desire. And I can't have him, I don't deserve him. It's already perfect for him...

My eyes fall on Elle who almost catches me in the window, but I duck behind the curtains before she sees me. For a split second, I felt it... I felt the longing that she has inside her. Why? Why did he have to leave?

I slide down the wall in the corner of the room, hugging my knees to my chest and leaning my head against them, attempting to quiet my shaky breathing.

"Why?" I whisper, close to tears, "why did you have to leave, Noah? Why now?"

I look up at the plaster above me, tears clouding my view. Through them I spot a single glow in the dark star, stuck in the very corner of the ceiling. The soft shine from the star was enough to break the barrier that my eyelashes created, allowing the waterfall of tears to cascade down my cheeks.

"Why did you leave us now, Noah?" I cry to the dark room.

The light from the crack in the door disappears and a broad figure replaces it.

"I didn't."


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