Chapter Eight

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> Forty minutes later...<

Knocking erupts from the door as I put the makeup back in it's case, an impatient Lee waiting outside.

"One second!" I yell.

"Hurry up! Elle texted, she's gonna be here in like two minutes!" Lee shouts back.

I open the door and smile.

"Kay, I'm ready!"

"Beautiful," he replies.

"Oi! Rule number nine..." I trail off, letting sadness seep into my next word, "remember?"

"Yeah. You're right, sorry..."

"It's fine," I reply, "let's go! Elle's waiting!"

We make our way downstairs and the house is filled with the stench of alcohol and rowdy teenagers.

I grab an empty red cup, go to the tap and fill it with water. Only water. The O.M.G girls walk up to the island bench and pour themselves a couple of rounds. Shots, I mean.

After a couple minutes (which was actually like an hour) of scrolling through my phone, looking at old photos of Lee and I, I look up to see Elle playing video games and Lee looking suspiciously at me. I wave at him then feel a hand travelling up the back of my thigh and I jump away from the person. 

Tyler Mitchell.

"Tyler, I'd appreciate it if you would stop groping me," I say sternly, not having the strength to look him in the eye.

"Naw, baby," he slurs, "you're hot. Wanna go up to a room and uh- you know... hang out?"

He loops his fingers around the belt hooks of my dress, alcoholic stench evident in his breath.

"Tyler, stop it."

"Come onnn! It'll be fun!"

"No, Tyler. You're drunk! Get off me, now. Please!"

"That's right, I like a girl who begs," he says as he grips my jaw and squeezes it tightly.

"Lay off her, Tyler," a familiar voice says. Lee.

"Lee, thank god!" I yell, as a tear falls from my eye, "please, Lee! Get him off of me!"

I try prying Tyler off me, but it was no use.

"You know what," Tyler starts, "you can keep your slut. I'll be back for her."

He throws me into Lee's chest and walks off.

"God, Lee that was so scary," I sob into his shirt as he rests his chin on my head and hugs me.

"I won't let that happen again. I'm sorry I didn't come earlier," he says.

"It's okay, I'll just stick by you for the rest of the night..." I sniffle, "it's gonna be okay, right?"

"Of course, always when you're with me. Always..." he trails.


I'm sat on the table next to Lee, who's leaning on it with his friends.

"Holy shit, bro! Check it out!" one of the guys say, pointing to a figure on top of the pool table.

I look up from my dangling feet and see a familiar girl. Then I realise...

That's not just any girl, it's Elle. Oh no...

She slips in her heels and dances to the music, giggling as she goes.

I hear Lee laugh awkwardly, then see Elle fanning herself. The song changes suddenly.

"It's hot out here..." I hear her faint, drunken voice.

I jump down next to Lee and grab his [incredibly large, (ha, ya nasty)] bicep.

"Oh, no..." he says.

"Dude!" The same friend yells. Samuel, I think is his name.

"I'm totally dying," Elle continues, undoing the buttons on her dress and hiking it up a little.

"No, no, no..." Lee and I say simultaneously, looking at each other worriedly.

"I'm taking this off!"

"I bet you she does, I bet you," Lee's friends panic.

"Who cares?"

With that, Elle rips the dress off of head and stands there in just a pair underwear and a bra.

"Ugh," Lee sighs and I face palm.

"We should go skinny dipping!" Elle blurts.

"Absolutely!" A guy wraps his arm around my shoulder as people start jumping in the pool.


"Dude, let's do it!" one of Lee's friends yells, dragging him away from me and towards the pool.


I'm cut off by a hand sloppily covering my mouth and pulling me up the stairs.

The stranger opens a bedroom door and pushes me onto the bed allowing me to crawl into a corner.

"No, princess. You come to me."

Oh no... Tyler.

"No, just leave me alone," I cry, realising that we're in Lee's room.

"Well, I can't do that," he starts, as he crawls across the bed, "that'll mean I've brought you up here for nothing..."

"No, please!" I scream, "Lee?! NOAH?! HELP!!"

Tyler hits me across the side of the head, making me feel dizzy and disoriented. He pulls me onto the bed and starts to unzip my dress as I plead my brain to make my body move. But I can't.

"Anyone, help..." I whisper, on the verge of blacking out.

The door slams open and a tall, built figure walks in and punches Tyler in the face.

That's only seconds before I black out.

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