Chapter Twenty-Two

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"What?" I ask, sitting up straighter in the seat and turning to Lee.

"I'm sorry..."

By now we were on the freeway driving in the direction of Santa Monica Beach, the sun burning over our heads.

"For what," I mumble.

Lee looks down, somewhat in regret as I play with the sweater paws I created with my jumper.

"That you had to see that..." he replies, "I agitated Noah and saw that he really scared you..."

He trails off and sighs.

"And... for not being a good enough friend to you," he continues, "I know we had a weird start this year, with what happened at the party and all, but I really regret ignoring you after the fundraiser. And I'm really sorry about that. I shouldn't have done it."

I try my best to keep eye contact with Lee, but end up looking down at my lap as I nod.

"And Blue?" Lee says with hope.

I look up at him as he turns off the freeway, away from Santa Monica Pier and on route to Marina Beach.

"You really were amazing at the fundraiser, at the Kissing Booth and on stage," he praises softly, a small smile creeping onto his face, "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner."

"Thanks, Lee," I whisper, a tear rolling down my cheek, but it's nothing compared to Lee's streaked face.

He pulls into a parking spot and stops the car. We look up to see the almost empty little cove, confused, considering it's a nice day

"How about we go for some ice cream?" I ask, spotting an ice cream stand a walk away. I just want to help get Lee's mind off things at the moment, but to also let him think freely.

"Sounds great," he smiles, wiping his face with his palm and jumping out of the car.

We walk over to the stand and order the usual. Him getting a chocolate, though Elle strongly believes that he should like salted caramel better, and myself, getting a cookies and cream. Then we find a seat on the top of the monkey bars, happily eating our ice creams in silence whilst enjoying each other's company.

"Did you know?" he suddenly asks and I automatically understand what he's referring to.

I sigh and look up at him, shrugging, "I took a guess."

He scoffs and rolls his eyes, chucking his serviette into the bin below us.

"I only found out just before you came, Lee," I explain, "I wasn't so sure before that. Elle said she was going to tell you tonight... but I guess everything went awry."


"Just give her time, Lee. She'll do the same with you," I smile, "'cause when you love someone, you give them as much space as they need. And I know you still love Elle. Just give her time work it out."

He nods and gives me a solemn smile, swinging his legs forwards and back.

I get an idea... a stupid one... a childish one... but still.

"TAG!" I laugh, jumping off the bars and running through the sand, not caring that sand and water are seeping into my shoes and socks.

Lee comes running after me, laughing as we run around the beach like crazy people. We stayed like this for the rest of the day up until the sunset was casting fiery hues of pink all over the sky.

"It's so pretty," I say, hanging upside down on the monkey bars as Lee stands next to me on the ground, playing with the ends of my long hair.

"Yeah," he sighs, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

I close my eyes, feeling the blood rush to my head and the sunlight on my eyelids. Then it suddenly gets very dark. I snap my eyes open to see what it is and I see Lee standing right in front of me.

"Lee? What are you doing?"

He doesn't say anything, just places his hands on both sides of my face and kisses me.

Talk about Spider-Man much.

As much as I don't want to pull away, I do.

"Lee!" I gasp, quickly getting down from the monkey bars and facing him, "wh- what- what?"

I stopped. Our ears only filling with the sound of my quick breathing and the waves crashing onto the shore.

"What was that, Lee?" I ask, "you have Rachel. I don't understand... you love her."

Realisation dawns on Lee, it is evident on his face and in his eyes.

"Oh my God!" he yells, raising his hands and holding his head, "I'm sorry, I-"

"It's okay," I interrupt calmly, "it's just been an emotional day in wonky-logic-land I think."

"Uh, yeah..." he shallowly laughs.

I take a deep breath and nod. Lee just needs comfort right now... he didn't know what he was doing. I walk towards him and pull him in a hug.

"It's going to be okay..."


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