Chapter Fifteen

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> One week later... <

A week passed by in a blur. The Sunday Lunch was at the Flynn's house due to the wet weather from the night before and let's just say... things were a little more than awkward. Elle and Noah kept making weird eye contact every fucking five seconds, I was asked SO MANY questions about my singing, why I kept it hidden and that shit BUT THE WORST PART IS...


I had to stick by Noah the whole day because it was that bad. Their PDA, even though they weren't in public, was so 'in your face' I had to go to the bathroom three times because it sickening. Anyway, other than the fact Rachel was there, the food was good. Mrs. Flynn makes a mean lasagna.

At school I didn't really talk to Lee, or Elle... or anyone for that fact. I couldn't go to Noah, he was... well I don't know what he was doing actually. I didn't see him hooking up with any girls over the week at all... which is a bit unusual... eh. I couldn't go to Elle because she was with Lee and I couldn't go to Lee because... you know. You may be thinking, what about Tyra?  Well, she did offer for me to go over to her house but I knew Rachel was going to be there. It's either Lee's at Rachel's house or Rachel's at... Lee's.

Anyway, I'm heading to Venice beach with Noah. I'm not really meant to go mainly because it's only meant juniors and seniors. I'm a sophomore remember?  But Noah bought me into going, seeing as he's the one that's 'expected to be there'.

We get to the beach and it's absolutely nuts. Noah runs off to play football and I spot Elle. I jog over to meet her and take off my shirt, revealing the top half of the red one piece I'm wearing underneath. I keep my high waisted shorts on because I'm a little self conscious of my belly and my thighs. Okay, really self conscious.

I large group rallies around the top of the hill and Elle and I go to check it out. It turns out that there was a water slide thingy there and they were all going to play this weird drinking game. Eh, YOLO. I line up at the end of the line on one team and turn to see that I'll be going up against a chick Noah was making out with at the party. Skylar, Taylor... Bree? I can't keep count anymore.

There's only about three more people in front of me after Lee slides down the hill. Shit, my shorts are still on... I don't want to take them off but I don't want them to get wet... fuck it, I don't know why I'm so fucking indecisive at the moment.

Two people. Doubt begins to seep into my mind. Okay... maybe this was a bad idea.

One person. I've never even had alcohol before! I'm a good girl. A good girl... good... girl...

The girl that went before me flips the cup and lands it. Well, shit. I just got one thing to say...

I'm a bad girl that hasn't been caught. Welp, catch me out on this.

Dive straight down into the slide, ahead of... Tina? Shit I don't know, only by a couple of seconds. Once I reach the end of the slide, I get up and race to the table. Picking up the cup, I take a look over at Noah and he just gives me a shrug as if to say, 'up to you...'. I raise the cup to my lips and let the burning liquid flow down my throat. As soon as I'm done, I slam it down onto the edge of the table.

I take one attempt to flip it over, shit, nope, I look up and saw... I'm not even going to try anymore, on her third attempt. Okay... focus. I position the cup back on the edge then flip it, drowning out all the cheers behind me.

The world moves in slow motion...




I blink and see the cup land.





Screams, hollers and cheers erupt from my team as Elle comes up behind me and hugs me from behind, trying to lift me up but failing miserably.

It's getting harder and harder for me to believe that I won! Huh... I wonder why.

I look up and see the sky getting smaller.

Can the sky get smaller? Ow, my head hurts...

Oh... I blacked out.


I wake up to laughing, a faint fire and a dark sky. FIRE?!

Jolting upright, I start screaming out, "NOAH?! NOAH?!"

I feel two pairs of hands wrap around both of my arms and hold me down as a face towers over me.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, it's okay. It's me, I'm here," the boy that's hovering over me says.

My vision is still really blurry but... damn, where have I heard that voice before?

I hear a female voice start speaking next to me, "she's a little bit paranoid, Lee. She just woke up next to a fire for godsake!"

"Lee?" I mumble, raising my hand to rest against my forehead in attempt to control my headache.

"Yeah, it's me. Rachel's here too," he says.

They pull me up to a sitting position and Rachel gets my hair out of my face. WOOOOO I am DIZAYYYY.

"I'll go get you water then," Lee says, getting up before I could say no. Wait did I say that out loud?

"Yeah," Rachel replies.

"Oh, umm... so what happened?"

"You won the game but you blacked out after about half a minute. I'm guessing because you probably haven't had alcohol before it got to your head really quickly."

"Oh wow, okay."

"Yeah, I think you probably shouldn't have downed that much alcohol in one go," Rachel chuckles.

I chuckle too. You know... I don't think Rachel's that bad. But, I can't go making friends with her... it'll be too awkward for everyone. By everyone, I mean Lee and I.

"Here," Lee says, as he hands me a plastic cup full of water, "I found Noah. He's sitting down near the water."






Hey, do you know that saying where it only has to get to four seconds for silence to become awkward? Well in this situation, it really... only had to get to about two...............

Yep, I'm outta here.

I decide to down the water, stupidly enough, and race off to find Noah, leaving Rachel and Lee next to the fire.

God damn it... I really have to stop running away from all my problems.

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