Chapter Four

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Detention. From three to three forty five. Great...

I'm sat next to Noah at the back of the room writing down some people we could use for the kissing booth when Noah taps me on the shoulder. I look at him and he nods to Tuppen, who's passing notes to Elle. I watch notes get passed around until Elle starts to write back.

Ugh, brilliant...

Tuppen looks at her note and smiles. I look at Noah and he looks back, his eyes saying, 'I don't know what that was either.'

Elle looks back at us and we look at her like, 'seriously? Tuppen?!'

'What?!' She replies with her eyes.

Noah and I roll our eyes and he leans back in his chair whilst I rest my head on the table.

> Ten minutes later... <

Tuppen sneaked out about five minutes ago, not that I care. The supervising teacher has fallen asleep, typical. The door bursts open behind us, making me jump and waking the teacher. In all his glory, Tuppen stands there with the skirt that Elle was wearing around his waist. No pants, just a skirt.

"Yearbook," a guy says, taking out his phone and snapping pictures of Tuppen. I slowly bang my head against the table in front of me whilst everybody else laughs... except for Noah of course. Ten minutes left... great.


"I never- EVER want to see that again," I rant, "that detention has scarred me for life, good going Elle."

We're at Elle's soccer practice right now, helping her do some strength training. Lee's sitting on her feet whilst I'm sitting next to him eating a burger. Moral support.

"Yeah, I can't believe you actually gave him you number, though," Lee states.

"You what?!" I yell, handing the burger to Lee.

"I was a really nice apology. Plus, that whole skirt thing was priceless!" Elle says.

Lee takes a bite out of the burger then begins again, "if word gets out that fighting me is a way of getting your number, I am in for a super long junior year."

"Oh, I wouldn't really call it a fight," I mock, going in to grab the burger from his grasp but having Elle snatch in away and take a bite for herself.

"Mmm," she mumbles as she chews, "I think I'm gonna go out with Tuppen."

Then he stops and looks at me, "unless you think I shouldn't."

I think for a moment then nod, "no, actually, I think you should."

"You're gonna have to go on a date eventually," Lee adds.

"Right," I agree.

"You know?" Elle nods too, "God, what do people even do on dates?" she says as I take the burger back.

"I don't know," Lee says when I take a bite, infatuated with the burger.

"Sit around and eat food, I guess," I mumble with burger in my mouth.

Lee and Elle look at me then to the burger then back at me.


I catch onto their joke and start to laugh with them. God, I love these guys.


We pull up outside the place Tuppen told Elle to meet him. Lee and I have gone to drop Elle off near Santa Monica Pier at some restaurant.

"Alright!" I say, pulling out sound on 'i'.

Elle hops out of the car, closes the door and leans on the side just as I jump into the front seat next to Lee.

"My heart is beating so fast," Elle says as she fans herself.

"That is just fine," Lee smiles softly... and cutely.

"Okay, listen. Can you just keep your phones on you?" Elle asks, starting to panic, "because I know myself and I'm gonna run out of things to talk about and I really want to call yo-"

"No," I interrupt yet she still presses on.

"I know myself-"

"No! Do not call us," Lee agrees, "okay?"

"Yeah, if he can't see how completely baller you are," I start.

"Then he's not the right guy for you," Lee finishes.

Wow, we're finishing each other's sentences now... riiiiight.

"Oh! You guys can be so sweet when you want to be," Elle gawks at us.

"Oh, I know!" Lee agrees looking at me softly and I smile back at him.

"Kill it," I say, turning back to face Elle.

"Okay, thank you for driving me," Elle breathes out.

"Totally," Lee says.

"Love you, guys. Bye!" Elle shouts out as she walks away.

"Love you," Lee and I reply in sync.

"Have a good time!" Lee says.

"But not too good of a time!" I add, laughing as we drive off.

"She'll be alright, right?" Lee asks me.

"Yeah," I say, yet still uncertain of it myself, "Dance Dance Mania?"

"Hell yes!"

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