Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"So... you had a crush on me?" Blue questions, sarcasm and humour dripping from her voice,  sounding similarly to the character Darcy Lewis in Thor.

I roll my eyes and laugh, walking out the door. "Shut up!"

Blue follows me out and walks next to me as we trudge down the stairs. The silence is comfortable... but the distance is not. I don't know how to feel anymore. I've been putting it off for a while now, but I guess all I need is to finally come to terms with the fact that...  I like Blue. A lot. And as much as Rachel is kind, caring, puts up with my family's hysteria and makes me a better person... she's not girl that I had a crush on when I was eight years old.

To be brutally honest... I dated Rachel for all the right reasons. I genuinely did fall for her when she was the only person willing to kiss me at the Kissing Booth. But in the beginning, I was only trying to find a distraction. Something that would inevitably help me deny that fact that I had feelings for Blue. That, and the fact that I wanted to respect rule number nine for both Elle and I.

I don't want to lose Rachel. She is probably the kindest human being I know. I'd do anything for her, for both of them.

I just don't know what to do anymore.

Blue and I reach the bottom of the stairs, my brain only beginning to take in it's surroundings now. The party's pumping, music's blasting and over in the corner I see little Brad Evans giving a girl a shy kiss on the cheek.

"So..." Blue begins, "no more rule number nine, huh?"

No, Lee, don't do it. Don't give in, you have a girlfriend who is there for you and who will help you through your problems.

"No," I reply, short, sharp and to the point.

"I'm really sorry," she smiles, the corners of her mouth separated from her eyes by the twinge of disappointment, though I'm not sure if she's disappointed with my reaction... or with herself. "I'm really, really sorry. I put you through hell this year. I put everyone through hell this year. Noah, Elle, you... even Rachel. God, I was the worst to Rachel. You know, I tried so hard. Tried not get angry so easily. I'd always got frustrated with myself because I honestly just wanted to be kind to her.

"But I've gotten a grip now. Finally," she chuckles, "I think I really understand now. So I'll back off. I think I should keep the gates of hell closed for now."

Giving me a somewhat crooked smile, Blue turns and heads outside. Though my vision isn't great from where I'm standing, and considering it's really dark out, I see her climbing the rusted wall trellis to the roof of the secluded garden shed.  The garden shed where she'd sit and watch the stars.

"Lee?" Rachel's voices echoes from behind me, "can I talk to you?"

I turn and nod to her, leading her into a quieter part of the house.

"Rachel, before you start I just wanted to let you know that Blue told me she's going to back down," I inform her awkwardly and somewhat idly, as my thoughts of the two girls plague my mind.

"I know. Which is why... I think you should be with her."

A flurry of emotions spiral through me like the calm breeze before a storm. "What? Rachel, you don't know what you're saying." Standing from my seat on the uncomfortable arm of the couch, I hold Rachel's arms and look at her deeply, shaking my head in anguish.

"Lee, did you see the way she just wanted Elle to be happy? She loves her sister. And that's all she wants that for you too," Rachel persists.

"And I am happy. I am. I'm happy with the only person who was willing to kiss me that night at the fair. Please, Rachel," I beg.

"But that's the thing," Rachel reasons, smiling softly and brushing my hair away from my face, "I wasn't the only person willing to kiss you that night. To be quite frank, Blue was literally taking out her wallet when I took my chance. Lee, I'm giving you to someone who can love you better than I can."

"No, Rachel, I don't want to lose yo-"

"You're not gonna lose me, Lee. I'll always be there as your friend, as another shoulder for you to lean on. But think of what you have to gain. Who you have to gain. You don't even need to tell her you love her, Lee. She knows you. do. She just needs innocent reassurance."

With that, Rachel brings her lips to my forehead and walks out of thee room.

Leaving me to my thoughts.



Away from the music and ruckus of his own birthday party, a teenage boy follows the quaint little path to his garden shed, our flickering glow illuminating the way. He makes his way to her. The girl sitting cross-legged on the roof, content with her quiet conversation with us.

He climbs the rusted trellis as she did, attempting not to cut his hands on the sharp edges or have it squeak and compromise his position. With one foot planted securely on the metal clanking roof, he sees her facing the opposite direction, her wonder filled eyes flickering with realisation.

She jolts up and turns, the feeling of someone else on the roof startling her. Though opening her mouth to speak, not even a whisper passes her lips before he hushes her.

"No words, just us," he says.

He simply kisses her.

And we melted around them, our light circling the teens like water.

And that's when they finally knew what swimming in stars felt like.


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