Chapter 2

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Sitting on the toilet seat, his head in his hands, Blaine didn’t think he’d ever spend a longer three minutes in his life. 

Two white pregnancy tests lay on top of the radiator in the bathroom, glaring against the off-white of the wall behind it, and they drew his eye every few seconds, though he knew there was a minute and a half to go yet; he was timing it with his watch. He’d taken two just to be sure; there were another three waiting if he wasn’t convinced. 

Not that he expected to get a false positive. 

It had dawned on him now, sitting there, the full reality of what he was facing. The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed that the impossible had become possible, and that he was in fact pregnant. And more than that, it was Kurt’s child.

It wouldn't be anyone else’s. 

He looked at his watch. Thirty seconds…..twenty-five seconds….twenty seconds…..

He felt sick, sicker than he had done that morning, than he’d felt for most of the afternoon just thinking about it. 

He had no idea what he’d do if it turned out positive. What could he do? In his view, very little; but he would, at least, have to let someone know. His mom, maybe, or Sam. Someone who wouldn’t judge him outright, someone who would understand.

Someone like Kurt, if only he was ready to take me back.

Blaine knew it was selfish to expect anything less of Kurt than full commitment to him, to expect him to come running back to him after they were together at the wedding, but it was still there, the tiny flame of hope that flickered brightly at the back of his mind. it kept him going and fuelled him when he felt himself slipping back down that slippery slope, where everything was futile and the world meaningless. 

He couldn’t even let himself get excited at the possibility of having a baby. The idea was too frightening to comprehend anything more than worry and anxiety about what he would do, what people would say. What Kurtwould say, when - and if - Blaine told him. 

Ten seconds…..eight seconds….seven seconds….six seconds….five seconds…..four seconds…..three….two……one.

Slowly, and with a trembling hand, he turned the first test over. 

And felt his stomach drop out of his body.


He turned over the second.


He wouldn’t need the other two; he already knew what they would say. 

He was pregnant. And his ex-boyfriend was the other father.

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