Chapter 17

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I’m graduating today.

That was the single thought on Blaine’s mind from the moment he woke, easing himself slowly out of bed and bracing himself against the nightstand when he swayed on the spot, a little dizzy. At least he didn’t feel nauseous this morning. 

Still, he refused breakfast and sipped a mug of warm green tea instead, feeling a ball of nervousness start to grow in his stomach. He wasn’t really sure why. Graduation wasn't that big of a deal, not really. He’d been to Kurt’s graduation the previous year, and he couldn’t really see why people made it out to be a huge spectacle. 

Of course, he didn’t count on crying for fifteen minutes when Tina sent him a text wishing him good luck for the day, which rather shocked his Mom and he had to insist that he was fine so that she wouldn’t worry.

 And it got worse. 

Tina flew at him in the parking lot when he arrived at school, squeezing him so tight he thought he might pop, and he had to swallow hard to stop a second wave of tears. 

When Sam threw an arm around his shoulders and said how amazing it was to be actually, finally graduating from high school, he discreetly slipped him a tissue when he saw that his eyes were wet, which both embarrassed Blaine and made him even moreemotional because Sam had noticed and felt the need to offer that small gesture of comfort.

It was going to be a long day.

He had gone into one of the bathrooms to change into his graduation gown and scrutinize himself in the mirrors over the sinks when he heard the door open, and reflected in the mirror he saw Kurt.

 "Hey, high school graduate.“ he said softly, coming over putting his hands on Blaine’s shoulders, then moving down to wrap his arms around his waist, rubbing gently over the growing swell of his stomach. 

"Don’t say that.” Blaine mumbled, fiddling with the front of the gown. “I’ve cried like three times already today.”

“Oh, hush. It’s a big day. You’re allowed to get emotional." 

"Yeah, but not like this.” Blaine sniffed. “Oh, God. Look at me. I’m a mess.”

Kurt leaned his head on Blaine’s shoulder, looked at them both in the mirror. “But a very cute mess.”

"Now, c'mon,” Kurt continue, taking Blaine’s hands and squeezing them in his own. “You need to go and graduate so we can start our inevitably fabulous life together with our child."

The good thing about having a surname that began with the letter A was that you got to go first for most things that were in alphabetical order.

The bad thing about having a surname that began with the letter A is that since you were first, there was more of a chance that everyone would be staring at you as you crossed the stage to obtain your diploma. 

Standing in line, waiting and nervous, he realized that in the few seconds it would take him to cross the stage, that would be it. His entire high school career over. 

And then there was only life ahead of him. 

A life that would have Kurt, and their child, in it. 

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