Chapter 20

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When Kurt opened the front door of the house, carrying several bags of groceries that he had offered to go get for Carole because she had to work and they were running low on practically everything, he was greeted by a very familiar sight.

Since the baby started kicking over a week ago, Blaine had been quick to share the news - and of course, apart from Kurt, Sam had been the first one to know. 

And, being Blaine’s best friend, he’d been at the house almost every day after school under the guise of doing homework or wanting to hang out, but Kurt knew that he was just as excited as they were that the baby had started kicking. 

Which was why the two of them were sitting on the couch when Kurt walked in, Sam grinning with his big hand on the curve of Blaine’s stomach. He looked up when Kurt came in.

“I’ve been trying to get the baby to kick when it hears my voice.” Sam said proudly. 

“You know it doesn’t work like that, right? It’ll happen when it happens. Though it’s mostly when I’m relaxed or just about to fall asleep.” Blaine replied. 

“Maybe it’ll help if I sing?” Sam said. “Man, Kurt’s so lucky to get to experience all of this. I got so jealous of my dad when my mom was pregnant with Stacie and Stevie ‘cause he was always doing stuff for her and didn’t really pay attention to me.”

Kurt sat down next to Blaine on the couch, taking his hand and resting his head on his shoulder. “Maybe if you’re lucky we’ll keep you around after he or she is born on uncle duties.” he said. 

“Really? That would be so cool! I’d be an awesome uncle.” Sam said seriously. “I’d do loads of cool stuff and…stuff.”

“Well, you have plenty of time to prepare because I’m not due for another four months, so take your time." 

But what Kurt had said had got him thinking. Sam was his best friend. Except for Kurt, there was no-one else he felt closer to that wasn’t his mom or his grandpa, who had unfortunately died just before he’d started high school. 

And maybe Sam would be the best candidate for a pseudo-uncle. In fact, he knew he would be. He was great with his younger brother and sister - great with all kids, in fact, from what he’d seen and heard. 

Sam had been there for him at a time when he’d felt like he’d had absolutely nothing and no-one. He cared about him and trusted him completely.

So why not?

If there was one thing being pregnant had taught him, it was the value of sleep.

Now that he was close to the six-month mark, he found himself constantly exhausted, and as a result, he had taken to napping frequently, sometimes two or three times during the day. It took the edge off until he needed to sleep again, and once or twice he had to catch himself before he fell asleep right at the dinner table, too tired to sit and eat. 

He spent more time sleeping than he did anything else, and he wondered whether that was normal for someone in his situation. 

Kurt certainly wondered whether it was, and he had expressed his anxiety about Blaine’s constant tiredness several times.

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