Chapter 16

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With two weeks to go until graduation, Blaine's mom had been pestering him to decide who he wanted to invite to the ceremony.

Not that it was of particular interest to him - he really didn't mind who came. Cooper would have to be invited, or else he'd complain and Blaine wouldn't stop hearing about it until his first high school reunion, and maybe even after that, too. His parents were a given. Maybe his grandmother, but she lived three hours away and she was old; perhaps she wouldn't be up for travelling.

And then, of course, there was Kurt, who had promised he'd be there, no matter what happened.

It would be easy - if his morning sickness hadn't come back with a vengeance almost as soon as the date arrived that meant he was four months pregnant, as if it had been planned.

Crouching in the bathroom every morning before school, despite not having eaten since the night before, he'd feel just the same as he did when he first started getting sick - nauseous, exhausted, and irritable, not to mention light-headed from lack of sugar in his blood. But how could he eat when he did nothing except throw it back up again?

School was difficult, going from class to class constantly queasy and having to hold his breath lest a whiff of a student's perfume or hairspray or even a cloud of dust make him ill.

Sam and Tina looked at him with concerned faces, asking him over and over whether he was alright, whether he needed to go to the nurse - and, of course, he told them that yes, he was fine, and no, he didn't need to see the nurse. It wasn't worth it when there were only two weeks of high school left and he still had some things to sort out so that he could graduate.

So he battled on, fighting the waves of nausea and fluctuating dizziness, and whenever anyone asked him if he was alright, he would smile and say yes and hope they didn't notice that he was trying to keep from throwing up.

A week later and he still wasn't any better, graduation was coming ever closer, and he was finding it really, really difficult to pretend that everything was alright.

His constant excuses not to eat made his mom look at him with an expression he really hoped he wouldn't have to see - worry and anxiety, looking at him as if she wanted to say something, but didn't for fear of upsetting him.

Most of the time he stayed in his room, lying flat on his bed with his hands on his growing stomach, distracting himself with the feel of the baby moving inside him.

He still had his graduation gown to sort out, but how could he explain to his mom that he needed one in a bigger size than he should be because of his expanding waistline?

He'd thought keeping it a secret would be easy, now that he had Kurt and he was so close to leaving McKinley forever. As it turned out, it might not be so easy after all.

Groaning, Blaine dragged himself off the bed, hoping that maybe he'd be able to drink a glass of water and keep it down this time.

"Blaine? Blaine, I'm afraid Cooper won't be coming to your graduation, he says he can't make it, something about another audition for a toothpaste commercial that he's convinced will launch his career -"

His mom kept speaking, but he didn't hear her. He was too busy struggling with the zipper on a pair of pants, which absolutely would not budge no matter how much force to he used.

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