Chapter 7

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To: Kurt (8:09am)

How much of a crime would it be if I wore sweats to school today?

To: Blaine (8:10am)

Why are you even considering wearing sweats?

To: Kurt (8:11am)

My favourite pair of pants doesn’t fit me anymore. The zipper won’t budge.

To: Kurt (8:12am)

I’m getting fat.

To: Blaine (8:14am)

I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration, don’t you? And anyway, you’re not fat, you’re pregnant. There’s a very big difference. You’ll look good whatever you wear.

To: Kurt (8:15am)

Thanks, but I won’t. Turning up to school in work out clothes is social suicide, but they’re the only thing that fits right now and I don’t have time shop for new pairs of pants. 

To: Blaine (8:16am)

Then wear the sweats, and if anyone asks, tell them you have gym this afternoon and didn’t want to have to change.

To: Kurt (8:17am)

Okay. I’ll call you later.——————————————————

Since he’d told Kurt about the baby, he’d felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Kurt himself had taken to impending fatherhood a lot better than Blaine had expected him to, and had taken to calling him every morning and evening to see if he was okay and if he needed anything, anything at all, and when he was coming to visit next, or when his next appointment with the doctor was, or if he was still getting morning sickness. 

(He was. Often. And it was hell.)

As he progressed into his tenth week, and had therefore been pregnant for more than two months now, he started to feel a lot better and a lot more positive about it all. It helped that Sam was always at his side in an instant if he needed him to be, covering for him when he showed up to class late because he’d been throwing up in the bathroom and making excuses for him when he sat out of group numbers in Glee because he felt dizzy. 

Sam, in other words, was his life saver. 

Which was why Sam was the one attempting to comfort Blaine after school, after a tense Glee practice in which Kitty had made a few choice comments about his wearing sweatpants to school and had to be told to shut up by both Ryder and Marley, who had thankfully come to his aid. 

But of course, they didn’t know why he had been wearing them in the first place, and if he was really honest with himself, Kitty’s comments had hurt more than he would have liked. 

"Sorry for being miserable. It’s these stupid hormones, it said online that I’d get like this.“

"No problem, dude.” Sam popped a blue M & M into his mouth and idly turned a page of his History textbook. “I get it. I remember my mom being pregnant with Stacy and Stevie. Nightmare. My dad had to keep calming her down all the time ‘cause she’d just lose it.”

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