Chapter 6

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Halfway through March marked the fifth week of Blaine’s pregnancy, and his impending visit to New York to tell Kurt the truth.

Since his fainting episode in Glee, he had been more cautious not to over-exert himself during practice, keeping a bottle of water in his bag in case he got dehydrated - which he’d read on the Internet was common during pregnancy. 

He also noticed that the rest of the Glee club seemed to be walking on eggshells around him, as if he might pass out again. It was sweet, but annoying when he was trying to learn complicated choreography and they kept watching him out of the corner of their eyes with concerned expressions. 

Telling Kurt was one thing. Telling the Glee club was another thing altogether. 

He had also picked up the habit of rubbing his stomach whenever he sat or stood still, not so obvious that it was noticeable by other people, but just in tiny movements, as if comforting what was growing inside him; it felt nice, to be able to feel the baby there, or just know it was there. 

He was still scared, but it didn’t feel as overwhelming as it had before. 

And if everything went well this weekend, he wouldn’t have to feel so alone anymore. Sure, he had Sam, but knowing that Kurt accepted him and his situation - theirsituation - would mean the entire world to him. 

It didn’t mean he wasn’t nervous, however. He’d written and re-written what he was going to say over and over, using up several pieces of paper, each crumpled up into a ball and thrown into the trash can in his room with increasing frustration. How could he find the right words to say, I’m having your baby? Were there any right words for this kind of thing?

In the end, he gave up trying to prepare a speech for the occasion and decided that he would just wait until the time was right.

Friday could not come fast enough.

Flying was a bad idea, he thought to himself as he swallowed hard and pressed his hand to his flat - for now - stomach, wishing he’d opted to take the train to New York instead. Apparently, planes and pregnancy did not mix well. 

At least it was only a short flight, and he’d be in New York in a few hours. Kurt was originally supposed to pick him up at the airport, but there’d been a change of plans, so he was going straight to the apartment in Bushwick instead, making his own way from the airport. Not that he minded; he’d done it before. Plus, it’d give him time to think over ways in which to break his news to Kurt - without Rachel or Santana, or Brody for that matter, around to eavesdrop. 

He didn’t want them to know.

Plugging in the earbuds for his iPod, he switched it to a playlist not very creatively titled “Sleep”, sat back in his seat, tried to ignore his churning stomach, and drifted off.

A few hours later, he awoke abruptly to the hustle and bustle of people around him; the plane had landed. He realized that sleep had done him good; he felt loads better, and he shuffled off the plane with the rest of the passengers feeling refreshed. 

He was able to hail a taxi almost directly outside the airport, and he directed the driver to Bushwick, the nerves creeping up on him once more. He couldn’t help feeling a sense of deja vu; last October, he had come to New York to make a confession, too, but an altogether very different one from the one he was going to make this time. 

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