Chapter 15

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The enormous poster advertising the said items made Blaine stop in his tracks.

Everywhere they went, it seemed as though graduation was coming ever closer. 

There were three weeks left of the school year. For Blaine, Sam, Artie, Tina and Brittany, they were the last three weeks they would ever spend at William McKinley High School. 

None of them, however, were quite sure how they felt about it, most of all Blaine. Graduation seemed so insignificant to him compared to the huge changes already going on his life, both metaphorically and physically, as he noted with chagrin as he had failed in getting his cardigan to button for the third time that week. 

Three weeks. That was all that was left, and then he’d be done with high school forever. 

But his future was so insecure. There was no way he’d be able to attend college in the fall. He wasn’t even sure if he would be able to move to New York - and that was the thought that plagued him the most. Kurt was in New York. They were back together now, happy, and looking forward to the arrival of their baby. But what if it didn’t work out? What if they ended up exactly where they were last fall, when everything had fallen apart so quickly and so suddenly it had been as though someone had ripped the ground from beneath them and plunged them into a bottomless pit?

Then there was, of course, the fact that they were going to have a baby. Or rather, Blaine was, to take it literally. His parents still didn’t know - he and Kurt had made plans to tell both their parents together, at graduation. If he could make it that far without anything happening, then he would be able to breathe easily. 

But still. Four years of high school, over in just a few weeks. And after that, there was Nationals to think about.

And then, the rest of his life.

Kurt hadn’t exactly planned to tell his father that he and Blaine were back together. Not yet, anyway. It just sort of happened.

He’d called, as he usually did, around the same time every night - 7pm, when he knew that Kurt had had dinner and would be sitting down to read magazines or watch TV, and the conversation went as it always did. 

Kurt asked about his father’s health, and Burt in turn asked how New York was going. 

And then Kurt let it slip.

“I - what?” his father spluttered on the other end of the line, more surprised than even Kurt was at his confession. 

“I - dad, you weren’t supposed to find out like this-” Kurt began, panicking internally.

What would his dad say? Would he approve? 

“Kurt, listen. I - I'm happy that you and Blaine are together again and working things out. I think it’s great that you have, that you are. Not that I ever doubted it, but still.”

“You’re not - you’re not mad?” Kurt asked tentatively.

Burt laughed. “Mad? Why would I be mad? Kurt, he loves you, and you love him. I know you’ve had a rough past few months but you deserve to be happy with each other again.”

And I am, Kurt thought. I am happy. It’s not the same, not yet, but it will be.

“Thanks, dad.” Kurt found himself sniffing - holding back tears. Maybe Blaine’s pregnancy hormones were rubbing off on him, even when he was hundreds of miles away. 

“I’m happy for you, kid. You know I am. And you tell that to Blaine, too.”

"I will."

Blaine stared at himself in the mirror, frowning.

In one week, he would officially be at the four-month mark, and it showed. 

It wasn’t exactly that he was complaining about having gained so much weight because really, it only reinforced the fact that he was developing as he should be and that the baby was developing as it should be, but really, was it necessary for it to show so much? 

Okay, so maybe he was complaining a little. He was wearing his most comfortable sweatpants and a loose sweater, the loosest he owned, and yet it was still a little tight on him, and drawing attention to the fact that his stomach was  much rounder and more pronounced now, rounding out quickly as he reached the stage where he was likely to blow up like a balloon before long. 

Very gently, he cupped his hand around the growing round curve, just under his belly button. He could feel the baby inside, a barely-there fluttering movement, and he wished it was more noticeable so that Kurt would be able to feel it when he came to Lima for the graduation ceremony. 

The problem now was telling their parents. 

His cellphone buzzed suddenly from where he’d left it on the carpet.

Pulling his sweater back into place, he picked it up. 

1 New Message from: Kurt

From: Kurt (6:51pm)

I can’t wait to see you.

From: Kurt (6:52pm)

Rachel and Santana know, by the way. They figured it out. And they know about the baby, but I made them swear not to tell anyone. And yes, I did make Santana take a blood oath not to tell. 

From: Kurt (6:54pm)

And if she does, I will murder her in her sleep. I have the means to do it and I will.

From: Blaine (6:56pm)

I can’t wait to see you, either. :)

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