Chapter 22

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Raising his hand, Kurt knocked smartly three times on the Anderson’s front door.

Usually, he’d let himself in using the key tucked under a flowerpot near the door, but he didn’t do that this time. He wanted to give Blaine the option of either accepting or rejecting his arrival - if it was space he wanted to ride out the low mood he was experiencing, Kurt would give him that space.

He knew Blaine was home because his car was standing on the driveway. He waited a few moments, before knocking again twice.

His heart hammered under his shirt. It wasn’t that he was afraid, not really, but he was worried. Worried about Blaine, worried about how he’d react to Kurt being there, worried about what he might see if Blaine did come down to open the door.

And he was also worried because all of this just couldn’t be good for the baby, and he had to look out for its health just as much as he had to look out for Blaine’s.

Kurt thought about knocking again, but changed his mind. He stepped back from the door a little and decided to wait. He only hoped that Blaine would want to come to him.

As soon as he heard someone knock on the front door, his first instinct was to hide further under the blanket on his bed and pretend he hadn’t heard anything.

Today had been a particularly bad day. He’d gained three more pounds and the sight of himself in the big bathroom mirror after his shower had reduced him to tears for almost an hour. 

He was fat. He was ugly. And he didn’t want to talk to anyone.

But there was someone at the door.

No-one else was around, so he didn’t have to worry about his mom or dad going to answer it. Perhaps he could just stay here and hope that they’d eventually give up and go away.

But what if it was Kurt? Could he really turn Kurtaway? He wanted to see him, and at the same time, he didn’t. He didn’t want Kurt to see him like this. 

He was afraid of what Kurt might say - what he might do.

The baby started to kick, having been silent for a while. He wrapped his arm around his stomach, as if he was trying to hold him or her inside of himself, to stop them from being exposed to the harsh reality of life outside the comfort of his own body. The rhythmic thump thump thump of the baby’s kicks was soothing, a comforting constant, and he concentrated on the feel of the tiny life inside him.

Kurt had been standing outside for ten minutes, and he could feel the anxiety rising in the pit of his stomach. His palms were clammy, and he wiped them hastily on his pants as he worried his bottom lip between his teeth.

Why wasn’t he answering the door? 

He fidgeted with his keys, just for something to do. He tried to think of something else except all the awful possibilities that could explain Blaine’s sudden change in behaviour. 

He came up with nothing. 

Taking his phone out from his pocket, he wondered if he should call Blaine on his cellphone, or text. That way, he'd have to pick up. He would pick up - wouldn’t he? 

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