Chapter 21

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The scale had to be wrong. 

It had to be. 

Blaine blinked several times, then looked at the number displayed on the small digital panel again. 

But no. There it was, in clearly-shown black digits.

In just over two weeks - since he had last weighed himself - he’d gained 11lbs. 


Staring down at his mom’s bathroom scales, he swallowed hard to keep himself from crying. What had he done to deserve this

He just hadn’t expected to gain so much weight in such a short space of time. Sure, at 22 weeks pregnant he wasn’t exactly going to be light, but this was such a shock that he had to blink rapidly, pushing back the tears burning behind his eyes. 

He looked down at himself, as if trying to figure out where exactly he’d gained the weight. His waist was definitely thicker, his pants tighter around his hips - not that they weren’t tight everywhere nowadays - and if he looked really hard, he could see the beginnings of extra width around his thighs, too. 

GreatJust great.

As if it sensed he was upset, the baby  suddenly kicked, right in the center of his stomach.

“I hope you know that you’re the reason for this.” He murmured in the general direction of his stomach, reaching up to cup and rub the protruding curve gently.

Maybe this wasn’t such a big deal as his hormones were telling him it was. Maybe no-one would even notice. Maybe it’d be fine.      _______________________________________

They were lounging on Kurt’s wide, comfortable bed, kissing slowly and just feeling; soft cotton and rougher denim, smooth bare skin, and the hot, slightly damp feel of one another’s lips.

Kurt was being extra-gentle, holding him as though he might break as he bent his head to press feather-light kisses to his throat, tracing a damp path down to where his neck met his shoulder and back up again to his mouth. 

This, he thought, this is something I could easily do forever. He would never tire of kissing Kurt; he had missed it terribly when they had broken up. 

They continued like this for a few minutes, not speaking, just listening to the sound of one another’s breathing and the slight smack of damp lips. Blaine could smell Kurt’s cologne and a faint whiff of hairspray, a smell he remembered well and easily lost himself in now. 

Kurt moved his hands from the tops of Blaine’s arms, gripping his forearms and squeezing gently, making Blaine gasp into his mouth in surprise at the pressure, before moving them to cover his own where they rested on Kurt’s waist. He never stopped kissing him, not once, and Blaine didn’t want him to, either. 

But then Kurt pulled Blaine’s hands from his waist and wrapped them around his back, shifting closer and pressing his warm, solid chest against Blaine’s own; the heat was electrifying, sending shivers down his spine and, instinctively, he moved to hook one leg over Kurt’s, so that they were pressed together in one smooth line from chest to toe. 

The new position heightened any and all sensations; he could feel Kurt’s heart beating right against his own, and the heavy warmth of Kurt’s body made him feel….well, it made him feel save. Protected. And so very, very loved. 

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