Chapter 3

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It had been another week since the two pregnancy tests he’d taken came up positive, and it was getting more and more difficult to avoid the subject of his mysterious and sporadic illness, in their eyes at least, around his friends. 

Brittany kept giving him strange looks for eating hard candy in class - it was the only thing that kept the morning sickness at bay - and there had been a tense moment when he’d had to hold his breath and nod vigorously when Tina asked if he was okay in homeroom, because he couldn’t exactly tell her that the scent of her perfume was making him feel sick. 

It was also hard to hide anything from Sam, who was a lot more perceptive than people gave him credit for. Blaine knew he was only concerned about him, but he couldn’t tell him the truth - not yet. He was having a hard time already admitting it to himself, let alone to anyone else. 

He felt completely alone, carrying this secret with him - literally - and unable to tell anyone. Most nights he was kept awake not only by nausea but by thoughts of what he should do, what he could do, what he wanted to do. But he didn't know what he wanted to do. 

He knew he didn’t want to terminate the pregnancy. He didn’t think he could go through with something like that, just sweep it from his life as if it didn’t matter. But the other two options - adoption, or keeping the baby and raising him or her himself - were both equally alien to him. 

Then there was the issue of telling Kurt. He had a right to know; it was his baby too. But something was stopping him from making that call, from telling him during one of their regular Skype sessions. He knew he couldn’t just come out with it; he’d have to take his time. But how much time was too much time? He hadn’t even the courage to see a doctor yet, though he knew it was important that he did.

He was just too afraid. 


During Glee practice on Friday afternoon, he was forced to run from the room once more to throw up, having escaped the sickness for most of the day. He should have known it was too good to be true. 

Crouching on the floor in a stall in the boys’ bathroom, shaking, he breathed hard and tried to will his body to go back to normal. It seemed like a constant reminder of the huge, enormous situation he’d got himself into. Just when he and Kurt were finally looking as though they might really be getting somewhere, that the possibility of trying again looked like it was on the cards, he had to go and ruin it by getting pregnant. 

Was there a more enormous way to screw up a relationship than this? Blaine certainly didn’t think so. Except, perhaps, for the reason they had parted ways in the first place. 

He was too wrapped up in his thoughts to hear someone come into the bathroom and look into each stall in turn. It was Sam, come looking for him after he bolted from Glee so suddenly - the second time that week. He only heard the squeak of his sneakers when he was right outside the stall.

“Dude, you in here? I just wanted to see if you’re okay." 

Blaine didn’t answer at first - mostly because he still felt pretty sick - but also because he was afraid of being forced to admit the truth. 

"Uh, yeah, yeah I’m in here.” He winced at how shaky his voice sounded, is throat raw from throwing up so much. Sam stuck his head round the door of the stall, brows knitted together with concern.

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