Chapter 12

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“Are you sure we can’t change your mind and persuade you to come to Regionals with us?”

Tina’s voice sounded desperate as she pleaded with Blaine on the phone, the evening before the New Directions would be competing at Regionals - and the evening before Blaine was due to fly out to New York to spend the weekend with Kurt. 

“Not this time, no.”

He tried not to sound overly happy that he would be missing out on watching them perform, but it was difficult, because Kurt had informed him that Santana and Rachel would both be away for the weekend - Santana at a friends’ she’d met at the bar where she worked, Rachel back home in Ohio with her dads - and would therefore have the Bushwick loft to themselves. 

He had to admit, he rather relished that fact. 

No, he wasn’t going to get his hopes up - they would remain reasonably high, for now - but he couldn’t help feel good about this impending visit; about their whole relationship. 

Or maybe that was just the hormones. 

“Okay.” He winced inwardly at the obvious disappointment in her voice. But there wasn’t much he could do now - the tickets to New York were already booked and paid for. 

“But you are not hiding from us when you get back, okay?" 

"Who said I was hiding?”

If Tina had been sitting in front of him at that moment, Blaine could’ve sworn she would give him a look. A look that said, “Don’t try to lie to me because I can tell and you’re not a very good liar.”

“Point taken.” He admitted a moment later. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, Blaine.”


“Anyway, I gotta go - my mom is calling me for dinner. Have fun in New York!”

“And you - at Regionals.”

She hung up with a click

Blaine half-wished he hadn’t jumped to conclusions so quickly about Sam when he’d told everyone about him. If he hadn’t, he’d be going to Regionals to watch everyone perform tomorrow instead of flying to New York. It sounded bad, but he wished that there was some way that he could do both at once, though he knew that was impossible. 

Ignoring the pain in his lower back and cringing slightly with regret, he pulled open his closet and brought out a medium-sized suitcase, with the intention of getting some stuff together that he would need for New York.

Perhaps Kurt wouldn’t notice that all his pants were now a size bigger.

“Kurt, I don’t mean to be rude, but when you texted me earlier saying that you wanted to talk, you made it out to be urgent and yet you haven’t said a word to me for the last five minutes.”

The sound of Adam’s voice brought Kurt out of his reverie. He had been absent-mindedly stirring his coffee without realizing it had already started to cool in its styrofoam cup. 

“Sorry,” Kurt began, pushing a hand through his hair and rubbing at his eyes. “I’m just distracted.”

“Anything to do with why you wanted to talk to me so urgently?”

Well, there was no point in keeping anything from him now, Kurt thought.


He tried not to feel guilty when Adam’s expression fell at his reply. It had been coming to this for a while now, but he’d been too….cowardly to actually do it. 

“Look,” Kurt started again, swallowing hard though his mouth was suddenly dry as the desert. “I really like you. You’re a nice guy, I just….I don’t think that I can see you anymore.”

That wasn’t so difficult. That wasn’t so difficult at all. 

“It’s because of your ex, isn’t it?”

Adam’s question threw him completely off-guard. He felt as though he’d been hit in the stomach, winded and unable to breathe. 

Kurt struggled to speak, but he didn’t need to. He’d already let Adam know everything that he needed to know. 

“I’m sorry,” he said, when he eventually found the right words, and was surprised to find that he was blinking back tears. “I’m really sorry." 

"Don’t apologize. I think I knew it would be something like this, and I’ve just been trying to deny it." 

Kurt furiously wiped away a stray tear that had been making its way down his cheek, trying to compose himself. 

"Is it too much to ask if we can still be friends?”

“No.” Kurt said, sniffing hard. “No, I’d like that. You’re about the only person at NYADA I know except Rachel.”

“Maybe you should branch out a bit.”

Kurt’s chest contracted painfully at the disappointment, even sadness in Adam’s voice.

He liked him, he really did. He just wan’t the guy for him.

Another letter from the clinic arrived just as he was about to leave for the airport. A remainder that the costs for his last two sonograms would have to be paid in full within five working days. 

He still didn’t have all the money.

Self-consciously, he stuffed the envelope into the pocket of his jacket, making a mental note to remove it and put it somewhere before he got to New York, so that Kurt wouldn’t find it.

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