Chapter 19

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The next two weeks felt a lot like living on a knife edge. 

The New Directions went to LA for Nationals - and came second. It was a huge blow; they had all expected to come home with a second 1st place trophy, but it didn’t happen. 

Sam and Tina were crushed, and Blaine suspended his own concerns for the time being in order to comfort them through several movie marathons and plenty of junk food (he’d started craving anything greasy and bad for you not long after he’d been released from the hospital and thought it was as good a time as any to indulge).

But they too both knew that he had his own things to think about, and Tina had sniffed more than once that she felt bad for getting so upset about a showchoir competition when there were more important things to worry about. 

“Don’t worry about me,” he’d insisted, handing Tina yet another tissue. “I’m fine." 

But he wasn’t. Not really. Another day gone was another day closer to getting the results of the test, and he had never been so afraid of getting a result. Not even when he had taken the initial pregnancy test that had started it all had he been this afraid. 

He couldn’t even look forward to the fact that he would soon be at five months and over halfway through his pregnancy. He was just too afraid, and nervous, of what might be on those test results that could possibly change his and Kurt’s lives forever - even more than they already had been changed. 

Sam especially had been incredibly supportive - more than Blaine had ever expected him to be. He listened when he wanted to talk, and didn’t push when he didn’t. He told jokes and did his best impressions to make Blaine laugh and forget about all the bad things for a while. He wondered aloud at length about how early was too early to introduce the baby to Star Wars and the X-Men, or if he could read his comic books out loud so that it could recognize his voice.

In short, Blaine wasn’t sure he would have gotten through those two weeks without Sam. Kurt had gone back to New York for a week, to make arrangements for the apartment now that he was coning home for the summer, and it was hard only being able to speak to him on the phone or through Skype.

He needed more than just a voice at the end of the line right now.

"Are you okay?”

The question took Kurt by surprise; he paused in his packing, a purple shirt suspended in the air where he was holding it, and turned to look in the direction of the door.

Santana was leaning against the frame, arms folded and looking unusually concerned. At least she wasn’t scowling. 

“Berry told me about what happened with Blaine. That there might be something wrong with your kid." 

When Kurt didn’t say anything, she crossed the room in three strides of her long legs, and came to sit on the edge of the bed.

"You going to talk, or am I just gonna sit here while you gape at me like a goldfish?”

Kurt threw the shirt back onto the bed and pushed his hands through his hair, making it stand on end in the front. 

“I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“Look, I'm trying to be a friend here. I don’t do this very often so you might as well take it while it’s here because once I leave this room, the offer of a shoulder to cry on while I do my best not to make a vicious comment about you snivelling all over my breasts will expire.”

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