Chapter 31

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It was 11am before he woke, stirring slowly and sluggishly as if he were coming up out of a river of treacle. The after-effects of the anesthesia made his head fuzzy and his vision out of focus. He rolled onto his side, squinting, and saw a familiar face.


“Hi, honey,” she whispered. “How are you feeling?”

“Um.” He tried to move, then hissed in a breath through his teeth as a pinching pain spread across his stomach. There were white bandages across his middle. “Sore.”

And then he remembered.

I had a baby last night. Or early this morning, really. 

It was then that he realized that his Mom was holding a white-blanketed bundle, in which he could just about see the pink curve of his son’s cheek. He was fast asleep, which explained why his Mom had been whispering. There was an empty baby bottle on the nightstand by the bed.

“Is that - is that him?” Blaine asked, licking dry lips. He was thirsty, but he didn’t care. “Can I-? I didn’t get a chance to hold him before. Kurt did, though. Where is Kurt, anyway?”

“You don’t have to ask if you can hold your own baby, you know. And Kurt just went home to get a few things - he’ll be back soon. Burt and Carole are here, too, and they want to say hi.”

So many people. But Blaine only cared about seeing his son.

Carefully, he reached across for him, trying not to jostle him too much in case he woke up. And then he saw him properly for the first time, and he’d be lying if he didn’t feel a lump in his throat and the telltale burning at the backs of his eyes at the sight of him.

Peacefully asleep in his blankets, he was unaware that Blaine was staring at him - taking in all of him, from his tiny socked feet and and small torso - so small, he’s so small - to his little pink hands and pink fingers, and finally to his face. Round cheeks, a slightly jutting chin - like Kurt’s, he thought - long, sweeping eyelashes casting thin grey shadows under his eyes as he slept. A button nose, turning slightly upward, and pale olive skin a couple of tones lighter than his own.

And, of course, the hair. A full head of hair, just like the nurse had told them, soft and downy to the touch. And he did touch, just for a second, just to feel the warm, living, breathing, human being in his arms.

He was the perfect combination of the two of them, and he wasn’t ashamed of the tears that streamed down his face almost without him even realizing. The only other time he had felt this happy was when Kurt had taken him back.

“Your dad says congratulations. He would be here, but he had to work,” his Mom said. “He told me to tell you that you did good, and that you and Kurt are gonna be great parents.”

“He said that?" 

"Yeah, he did. Why are so surprised? You know your dad loves you, Blaine, very much. He just isn’t very good at showing it sometimes.”

“I actually expected him to be disappointed in me.” Blaine confessed. “Having to put off going to college and everything…”

“Oh, there’ll be plenty of time for that. College isn’t going anywhere, honey. You don’t have to worry about that.” His Mom smiled. “So, does this little guy have a name yet?”

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