Chapter 23

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“Happy six months of pregnancy!” Kurt called out in a sing-song voice as he wandered into the living room, where Blaine was currently sprawled on the very, very comfortable couch at the Hudson-Hummel house.It may have been an old couch, but it did wonders for his aching back and sore hips, and he never wanted to move. 

“I got you a present,” Kurt continued, pulling a bag out from behind his back and holding it out. 

“You know it’s not like an actual anniversary or anything, right?” Blaine asked, eyebrow raised - but he was smiling. Ever since Cooper had left after his disastrous visit, Blaine had become happier and more relaxed, and Kurt was pleased. He really didn’t need any prolonged stress right now.

Blaine took the bag from him, curiosity piqued. Inside was a hot water bottle in a fluffy light blue case, soft to the touch.

“I’ve been desperate for one of these!” he said. “Since I can’t take any painkillers and my back’s been killing me, I really hoped I’d find one. And now I have one. Thanks, Kurt.”

“It was nothing,” Kurt replied, kissing him sweetly. “Reaching your third trimester is a big deal.” He sat himself down on the couch next to him and drew him close, hands instantly going to his stomach. “It means there’s only three more months until we get to meet our baby.”

Blaine’s smile widened. He sat up a little. “Well, when you say it like that….I guess it is kind of important. Which reminds me, I have a sonogram scheduled for this Saturday. Dr. Marshall says that we might be able to find out the sex, if he or she feels like cooperating during the sonogram.”

“Don’t you want it to be a surprise?” Kurt asked. “I think it’d be nice to not find out. It’d make the moment it’s born even more special than it already will be.”

“I don’t know. I kind of want to know, but at the same time, I don’t. It’s like half of me wants to wait to find out, and the other half of me is desperate to know. It’ll feel more real if we know if it’s a boy or a girl, at least to me. We can start thinking of names and getting some stuff together we’re going to need. We can’t do that if we don’t know what it is.”

 Kurt thought about this for a moment. He’d had fantasies lately of visiting those cute mother-and-baby stores, full of cute clothes and perfect white furniture and gorgeous accessories, everything an infant would need from birth until kindergarten. He’d even started absently sketching a layout for a nursery, made a list of paint samples he wanted to try. 

He’d kept all this from Blaine because he didn’t want to think he was getting ahead of himself. But now it might not appear so crazy.

“I know. We’ll flip on it.” Kurt rummaged around in his pocket and pulled out a quarter. “Heads means find out the sex, and if it’s not heads then we keep it a surprise.”

“I - okay, I like that idea. That’s fair.” Wriggling a little in an attempt to sit up properly, Blaine winced at the pain in his back. “Afterwards, you can fill up that hot water bottle for me and do something about this horrible pain in my spine.”

“Deal. Okay. Ready?” He held out the quarter - and flipped it. It remained suspended in the air for mere seconds before Kurt caught it and let it rest flat in his outstretched palm. He looked at it. 

“Not heads. I guess we’re keeping it a surprise." 

"And just buy things that are yellow or white until then.”

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