Chapter 5

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Adam was nice. No, Adam was lovely. He was kind, charming, easy-going and very, very talented.

So why did Kurt not feel anything when they were together?

Ever since the wedding, ever since he and Blaine had sort of/may have/could have got back together, at least in the physical sense, he’d felt himself become less and less interested in Adam as potential boyfriend, and more interested in him as just a friend. 

Could hooking up with your ex-boyfriend really change your feelings that much? 

He resisted it, at first, tried to stop himself from thinking about Blaine himself when he and Adam went out or hung out in the loft or went for coffee or watched a movie. He tried not to imagine Blaine, when he watched Adam rehearse with his group. He tried not to picture Blaine’s smile when Adam smiled at him. He tried not to hear his voice when Adam complimented him. 

He was tired of trying.

He knew exactly what he was feeling; had known it from the moment he’d grabbed Blaine by his tie and pulled him into the back of the Prius at the wedding. 

He still loved him. He always had, and he was just kidding himself if he tried to convince himself otherwise. Kurt did love Blaine. He knew he did. And it was getting harder and harder to pretend that he didn’t.

Which was why he didn’t feel guilty about being concerned when he Skyped Blaine that evening and noticed that he looked, well, awful. 

“Are you okay?” he’d asked, over and over, and every time Blaine had replied with an overly-cheerful, “I’m fine, don’t worry about me.”, which naturally let Kurt to think that there was something to worry about - something that he wasn’t telling him.

And Blaine had never kept a secret from him before.

“Okay, what is up with you?" 

Blaine jumped when Tina appeared at his side, looking hurt and annoyed at the same time. At least she’d abandoned the perfume. 

"You and Sam have been really conspiratorial for the past couple of weeks and you’ve barely spoken to me. Is this because of what happened between me and Kurt at the wedding? Are you mad at me because I fought with him?”

“No! No, of course not. I’m not mad at you.” He said quickly, shutting his locker and shifting his books from one arm to the other. “It’s just…..personal stuff." Very, very personal stuff. 

"Nothing I can help with?” she asked. 

“No, sorry." 

"But Sam knows." 

"Yes.” This was starting to get awkward. What could be say to her that would get her off his back without hurting her feelings or making it seem like he was pushing her away?

“Well, if you want to talk….you know where I am."


He gave her what he hoped was an encouraging smile, then ducked into the boys’ bathroom as soon as she’d walked away to throw up noisily, silently cursing whoever’s idea it was that pregnant people should get morning sickness.

He wasn’t altogether sure how it happened. 

One minute they’d been practicing a rather elaborate choreography for Regionals, and the next he was half-sitting, half-lying on the floor of the choir-room, dizzy and faint and only half aware of his surroundings. 

Someone was telling him to “Just breathe.” He thought it might have been Sam, or Ryder. Several girls were talking in low, rapid voices somewhere above him - Marley, he thought, and Tina and Sugar - and Mr Schue was asking someone if they should call an ambulance. 

“M'fine,” he mumbled, “just need to lie down….m'fine….." 

"You’re not.” This was definitely Sam. “I’m taking you to the nurse.”


He allowed himself to be picked up, legs weak underneath him, and half-carried out of the room, supported by Sam’s taller, stronger body. 

“I’m taking you home, okay? I’ll just tell everyone the nurse sent you out of school, they won’t ask questions. I’ll bring your car round after football practice.”


He didn’t really register the ride home, or being helped upstairs in his own house by Sam. He was still feeling faint and just wanted to rest.

Collapsing onto the bed, he immediately shut his eyes and tried to ignore what was going on around him.

Kurt was worried. Blaine hadn’t answered any of the five texts he’d sent him that afternoon, nor either of his calls, and he usually picked up after the first ring, eager to talk and with plenty to say about the morning’s events. 

But so far, nothing. 

So he tried calling again after dinner - Chinese take out, Santana’s choice (they had a rota) - only to be met not with Blaine on the other end of the line, but with Sam.

“Why are you answering Blaine’s phone?” Kurt asked, confused, when he heard Sam’s “Hullo?” on the other end. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine. He’s kind of sick right now and he’s sleeping, so I thought it’d be okay to pick up his cell for him if anyone called. That is okay, right?”

“Oh no, he won’t mind. But you said he was sick? What kind of sick? Is it serious?”

“Some virus, I think. I came to check on him 'cause his parents aren’t home." 

When are they ever home? Kurt thought bitterly. Was it his imagination, or did Sam seem hesitant when he spoke?

"Well, when he wakes up and if he’s feeling better, can you tell him to call me?” I miss talking to him.

“Will do, Kurt. Bye." 

He hung up. 

First Blaine acting weird, like he was hiding something, and now he was sick and Sam was taking messages for him? It wasn’t exactly usual. He had half a mind to call him back, to ask to speak to Blaine himself; but he wouldn’t dare wake him up if he was sleeping and feeling bad.

But he couldn’t shake a sense of uneasiness that something was going on that he didn’t know about, something important or serious that was being kept from him - and could Sam be in on it, too?

What had Blaine told Sam that he hadn’t felt able to tell Kurt?

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