Chapter 30

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“Can we look now?” Kurt asked - though it was more of a groan. Burt and Carole had practically kidnapped them as he and Blaine had come through the door, back from a short walk around the block because Blaine had been complaining that he seizing up from sitting still for too long. 

They’d both been blindfolded with Carole’s scarves and had been shepherded up the stairs, Kurt emphatically warning Blaine to be careful. The last thing he wanted was for something to happen while they had been deprived of their sight.

“No. Just keep going a few more steps.”

“But I can't see.”

That’s kind of the point, kid. It’s supposed to be surprise.” This was his father. 

“I don’t like surprises.” Kurt muttered, feeling slightly put out, as he was maneuvered onto the hall that stretched along the top of the house. He swore he heard Blaine chuckle under his breath, which he tried to disguise by coughing. 

“C'mon, Kurt. It’s fun!” Blaine said. “Although I do need to sit down…I think the walk wore me out.”

“You can once you’ve seen your surprise, don’t worry,” Carole reassured him. “It’ll only take five minutes.”

Stumbling slightly, they were ushered to the right and Kurt heard a door opening, though he couldn’t say to which room it was. He swore he could sense his father and Carole exchange conspiratorial looks behind his back, or wherever it was they were. 


The blindfolds were untied and taken away, Burt and Carole both beaming.

Kurt’s jaw dropped.

They were in the storage room, except it didn’t look like a storage room any more.

It looked like a nursery.

The walls had been painted a soft, light blue, and bright white clouds had been stenciled on, to make it look like the sky. The crib, fully assembled, had been painted white and it had already been made with a soft blanket and the smallest pillow Kurt had ever seen, perfect for a baby.

Next to it were two large wicker baskets, filled to the brim with everything you could imagine a newborn baby  might  need - everything from toys and bottles, tiny socks and shoes, to pyjamas and everyday clothes, burping cloths and baby shampoo.

"I know you wanted to keep the sex of the baby a surprise, so we made it gender neutral so it won’t matter whether it’s a boy or a girl.” Burt said. “You can always add your own stuff later, y'know, if and when you need to.”

“It’s perfect.” Kurt said, finding it difficult to speak. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything, sweetie. We wanted to do this for you. It’ll at least take some of the pressure off because those first few weeks are going to be stressful and you’ll need all the time you can get.” Carole replied, putting her hand on Kurt’s shoulder in a way that brought a lump to his throat. 

“Stressful?” was all Blaine could manage to say. The fear in his voice was clear. “How stressful?”

“Don’t worry about it, kid. We’ll be right here if you need us.” Burt said. 

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