Chapter 18

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"Now," Burt Hummel announced to the sitting room of the house, which was occupied by Carole, and Kurt, who sat biting his lip with his hands in his lap, "are you going to tell me what this is all about, or do I have to find it out for myself?"

Kurt had been nervous all the way home from the hospital. He knew his dad would want to know why he was there, and why he never told him he was going there.

He also knew that he had no choice in the matter of whether he wanted to tell him the truth.

If he was honest, he was afraid. Afraid of how his dad, how Carole might react when he told them that in a few short months, they would be grandparents.

But with Blaine being monitored at the hospital and concern about the health and wellbeing of their baby, he needed someone to lean on - someone he could talk to, as a support system. Someone that wasn't Blaine.

"Kurt?" his dad prompted, firmly but not unkindly.

"You know that Blaine and I are together again now," Kurt began, "but there's something that I haven't told you, and it's something important and I don't want you to freak out when you hear it."

"You're not getting married, are you? Because, Kurt, as much as I support the two of you reconnecting I really don't think this is the time nor the situation to get married in, not after what happened with Finn and Rachel."

"We're not getting married." Kurt replied, but he had to admit the words made something flutter in his chest - perhaps they could. Not right now, but a few years from now.

"Then what is it?" Carole prompted.

Kurt took a deep breath. "Blaine's pregnant. Four and a half months, actually. We're going to be parents."

Saying it like that - We're going to be parents - made it seem so much more real. He'd seen their baby on sonograms, had felt it grow under Blaine's warm skin, but saying it in those terms, in terms of being parents, made his heart swell in his chest.

Carole was the first to react.

"That's - well, it's unexpected, but I can hardly say anything myself since I was barely in my twenties when I had Finn and you're not much younger! That's great, Kurt. I'm happy for you. But you seem concerned?"

"He had to go to the hospital today. High blood pressure and low blood sugar, the doctor said. They're worried the baby might not be developing as it should be so they're going to do some tests."

Throughout this exchange, Burt said nothing.

His dad stared at him, open-mouthed. He seemed to have forgotten how to speak. Slowly, he swallowed and worked his jaw for a few moments, and then found his voice.

"Are you serious?"


"How long have you known?"

"A few months. We wanted to keep it private until Blaine graduated."

Burt worked his jaw again, falling silent. Kurt's heart hammered in his chest.

"And - and who else knows?"

"His mom, everyone in Glee club, and Rachel and Santana, because they figured it out so I had no choice but to tell them." Kurt explained.

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