Chapter 24

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Ohio in July was hot.

Temperatures had soared in the last couple of weeks, meaning that every window and door in every house in Lima was thrown open, and every available electric fan buzzing. 

But even with two fans and the window wide open, Blaine was still far too hot despite his loose shorts - which Kurt had carefully sewn elastic into so that they expanded easily with his growing stomach - and t-shirt. 

Kurt wasn’t much better, flushed red-pink and despairing at the way his hair fell limp in the heat and humidity. He’d taken to lying on the floor of the living room next to one of the fans, letting it blow air over his sweaty face and neck. 

“Remind me never to be pregnant in the middle of summer again,” Blaine groaned, shifting uncomfortably on the couch and wrinkling his nose at the way his shirt stuck to his back with sweat. “I can’t stand this heat. And I don’t think the baby likes it either, it’s kicking like crazy and it kind of hurts.”

Kurt rolled onto his side so that he was facing Blaine and gave him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry you’re so uncomfortable. But it doesn’t seem like there’s much we can do if these temperatures keep climbing.” He rolled onto his back, then seemed to think of something. “A cool bath might help. You won’t feel as hot, anyway.”

“I don’t think I can move.” Blaine said. “If I do, I’ll melt to the ground. Maybe later?”

“I’ll hold you to that.” Kurt let out a puff of breath, strands of hair over his forehead fluttering. “I wish we had a pool. Or lived in Antarctica.”

“We could keep a penguin as a nanny for the baby." 

"Nah, it wouldn’t work. How would they hold the baby? They don’t have hands. And don’t you dare suggest they carry it between their feet. I’ve seen them do it on the Discovery Channel and there is no way a penguin is carrying my baby between its feet.”

“Oh, so it's your baby now? You know, I’m the one who’s actually pregnant here." 

Kurt knew that he was only joking; it was what they did. Playful teasing was the way they worked. 

He wouldn’t have it any other way.

"That cool bath actually sounds really great. And could you get me some cream cheese? I have a huge craving for it and I'm starving." 

Kurt rolled his eyes to the ceiling, but he hardly thought he could complain. He was happy to do whatever Blaine asked - hot and sweaty or not.

"I’m already on it." 

"Thank you.”

The tenderness, the sincerity, in Blaine’s voice whenever he said that never failed to take Kurt’s breath away.

Unfortunately, the temperatures in Lima stayed pretty high over the next week as well. 

Fortunately, this meant that it was too hot to wear pyjamas to bed, and so on nights when Burt and Carole weren’t at home (or Blaine’s parents, if they were at his house), he and Blaine had taken to sleeping naked under a single thin sheet, sticky with sweat but too tired to care after spending all day roasting in the hot Ohio sun. 

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