Chapter 10

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From: Sam (1:14pm)

I’m sorry.

From: Sam (3:12pm)

I didn’t mean to, alright? It just slipped out.

From: Sam (5:27pm)

Are you just gonna ignore me?

There were dozens more like these, filling up the inbox on his cellphone. He’d had every intention of deleting them all. 

Sam had nothing to say that he could possibly want to hear. 

It felt like a punch to the gut, adding to the already present, almost constant nausea he was already feeling. 

Sam had told everyone. About him. He’d betrayed his trust.

He was supposed to be his friend.

Suddenly restless, Blaine got up off his bed, pacing around the room. He just felt so angry.

But what could he do? His secret was out. Everyone knew. They had probably talked about him in Glee club after he left, whispering to each other and debating exactly how he could’ve gotten pregnant in the first place since he wasn’t a girl. 

And then there was Kitty’s threat, to tell the whole school. It wouldn’t be just the Glee club, but everyone

This was private, something between him and Kurt, and him and Kurt only. Yes, he’d told Sam; but only because he’d been concerned and he’d trusted him, because they were close. But apart from that, it was solely something for him and Kurt to deal with. 

But that wasn’t going to happen now, was it?

It was Tuesday. If Kitty kept to her word, when he walked into school tomorrow morning, everyone would know. In a school like McKinley, news traveled fast, the good and the bad. 

He didn’t know if he’d be able to stand the judgmental stares and whispers, the eyes following him down the halls. 

Kitty might as well have stuck a huge target board on his back and armed the students of McKinley with darts, because that’s what it was going to feel like. 

He sat back down on the bed, crossing his legs under him and wincing at the pain in his hips at the movement. The skin there felt tight, stretched across his hipbones. From what he’d read on some sites he’d been looking at, it meant that his hips were widening to accommodate what would eventually be a fully-grown, full-term baby, ready to be born. 

Blaine stared at his bare feet. Was it his imagination, or were his ankles starting to swell, too? Soon he’d have to stop wearing his beloved dress shoes and invest in a comfortable pair of sneakers. 

Following the line of his body, he moved his gaze higher, up his legs to his thighs, where the material of his pants was already stretched pretty tight, especially when he sat like this, up to his hips, which constantly ached no matter how he sat, to his stomach and expanding waistline. 

And stopped.

Well, that’s new, he thought, looking down at the small but distinct swell of his stomach where it pushed out against his sweater. It might have been the way he was sitting, hunched up with anxiety, but he swore it wasn’t there a few days ago.

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