Chapter 14

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“Alright, guys! The Board has just released the date for Nationals." Mr Schue announced, holding a piece of paper aloft in his hand. "June 26th. And that’s only two weeks after graduation, so we better get started right away.”

“But Mr Schue, we just won Regionals.” Ryder said. “Can’t we, y'know, celebrate a little bit first?”

“I agree.” Blaine spoke up from where he sat next to Tina. “I know that I won’t be competing at Nationals and I understand how important it is to be prepared, but we need to relax and enjoy ourselves, too.”

“Only don’t enjoy yourselves too much, or you’ll end up knocked up like him.” Kitty stage-whispered, earning her a glare from Unique.

Blaine bit down on his tongue, hard, to stop himself from retaliating. Would she ever leave him alone?

“Anyway…” Mr Schue began again, “we do need to start thinking ahead, so your assignment for this week is to start brainstorming some ideas for songs.”

There was a collective groan.

Kurt Hummel has sent you a relationship request. 

Looking up from his homework, Blaine couldn’t help biting back a smile at the little red notification that had popped up on the screen of his laptop.

His relationship status had said “single” for far too long. 

In the beginning, even looking at it made him feel sick. Blaine Anderson is single. It was like a punch to the stomach every time he went onto his homepage and saw it there, mocking him. Kurt doesn’t want you anymore. 

Now, it felt just as it had done when they’d first changed their statuses’ on their respective Facebook pages. It meant something different, now, though. It wasn’t starting from the beginning, it was re-winding the video back to the start in order to go through it all again. 

Blaine clicked Confirm.

Kurt  Hummel  went from “single” to “in a relationship.”

Blaine  Anderson  went from “single” to “in a relationship.

Kurt Hummel is in a relationship with Blaine Anderson.

From: Kurt (4:54pm)

I think I’d like a girl.

To: Kurt (4:56pm)


From: Kurt (4:59pm)

I was thinking and I’d like it to be a girl. The baby.

To: Kurt (5:00pm)

I don’t think you get to choose, Kurt.

From: Kurt (5:01pm)

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