5. deception and games

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You two got to the lab. You were lead into the part of the lab that your dad experimented most in. You noticed the animal straped to your dads table. You smiled softly. He lead you to the table.

"Whould you like to help me look inside this animal?" he asks. You nod. He offers you a scalpel and you took it. When you did it effected your body. You turned to your normal form. Bat like wings sprouted from your back with feathers hideing the black skin from eye view. Two blots zap togther appearing in your head. They connected on the inside of your head. Stiches appeared on your body like they did stiens.

Your soul changed with your appearance. Originally your soul had a non see through force field that hid your real soul. But that force field popped as the wings of your soul appeared opening. The two bolts also connected throughout your soul. Stitches and lightning bolts appeared on your soul.

You breathed out softly and looked down at the creature. You smiled. Your smile resembled your dads alomst perfectly. Just a bit more creepy because of your sharp tiger like teeth. Re-traceable claws as well.

You and him both started to take the animal apart. Your smile grew and it showed your sharp teeth beter, the only difference was the two golden sharp k-9s shining softly. The animal poffed in a puff of black smoke and the soul floated. He looked at you as you looked from the soul back to your father then back to the soul.

"Eat it my dear. Eat it" he said. Your mouth opened showing a long sharp toung, and sharp teeth. Sid comes in.

"Hey dr.Stien I hav-" he freezes and backs up. He turns around and leaves. He gets nervous by your teeth and claws.

You let the soul slip down your throat the your phone went off playing "Bang Bang Bang Bang! Have a nice dream!" and you saw it was Death the Kid.

"Why did you give that punk your number?" your dad asks frustrated.

"Uhhh...yell at me later" you pick up the phone "Yes kid what is it?" you ask as you leave.

"Hey me and the others want to teach Crons how to play Tama (aka ball)" kid says.

"Oh. Cool. Ill be right back" you said then went to your dad. "Hey kid and the others want to play tama and teach Crona how to play, can I go?" you ask. He nods. You start to leave. "Ill be there in a few kid" you said leaving the lab. You hang up and turn back running to the court. You get to the court and smile seeing everyone.

"You made it!!" maka smiled.

"Of course I did" you smiled. "I love this game and I get to help Crona" you said. Crona blushed softly.

After a while you helped him throw the ball and he made it in.

"Nice job! You made it!" you smiled.

"T-thank you" he smiles.

"Ah its nothing" you shurged. Then you all broke into teams. It was un even and you started to argue with kid and soul. "Im better at this game then BOTH of you. You cant just make me watch" you said.

"Its uneven! It has to be symmetrical!" kid growled.

"I agree with kid! Symmetrical. Your out" soul hissed.

"What about maka? She dosent even now how to play!" you growled. You all got into a fight.

"How about this. Me and kid agenst you. If we win, you dont play. If you win kid wont play" soul says.

"Why cant just make him not play? If its THAT important, then he can just sit out" you said.

"I like this game" he shrugs. You roll your eyes.

You three went agenst eachother. You won.

"24 to 0. I cant believe she got every shot" soul said.

"And still blocked ours" kid said. You smirked.

"Well boys. You lost. Kid on the bench" you smirked. Everyone else got in.

Crona made the winning shot.

~cronas pov~

"Yes! Good job Crona! Your so good!" Y/N smiled.

"We won! We won!" Patty said excited.

"Good job runt! You did something right!" said Ragnarok resting ontop my head.

"Your so good Crona" Y/N complemented me again. She hugged. I noticed Kid on the bench. His face was covered in a shadow.

'Is he ok? Is he mad he didnt get to play? I wonder if his mad at me for getting Y/N to hug me? Wait...mabey something just wasnt symmetrical? Yeah probably' I think to myself.

~Kids pov~

'That little-! Whatever. Its not like he even has a chance with Y/N. Shes to perfect...to...cute...to...to semytrical!~' I think to myself as I see Y/N hug Crona...

~normal pov~

You said bye to everyone and left to your house falling asleep...

The Insainty To My Sainty? (Yandere!Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now