13. getting you back

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Its been a week seince girkio started to be nice to you. Today you where going to go and see arcane again. And medusa was back. For the first time that week. You where being lightly pulled by girkio.

You got to the room and felt the connection of lightning to your soul. So you connected her back. Thats when you knew your friends and dad were on there way.

~with the others~

Lightning got a hold on your soul and the wavelengths. She ran to the 'death room' and wrote it down on paper to show death and kid. They called everyone up and everyone left.

~'over view' (like it isnt with anyone specific)~

As they walked twords arcnes place you tried to stay as long as you could. When they got there an alarm went off and everyone got ready for them to bust through the door. You fought free away from you and went into a weapons form then going back into your normal form smirking as you were out of the chains. Then the others busted in. Kid shot most of them while maka and blackstar faought the rest soStienn and spirit can get you. Girkio steped infront of you. You kicked him to the ground.

"Dad!" you smiled and ran to him hugging him tightly. Then a dark chuckle was herd from behind you. You turned to medusa.

"You brough me my new weapon" she smirked. You looked at your dad and frowned softly.

"If you whant either of them then you have to go through me" you growled. You turned your upper arms into swords and got into a fighting stance.

"Fine. Lets battle" she smirked.

"Sister! We must not hurt her! Shes to important to kill!" arcane growled. Medusa glared at arcane giveing you a shot. You jumped up and stabed medusa in the head. She turned to black arrows and poffed away leaving her soul. "You just killed my little sister" arcane said standing up. "Let them go! All of them! She did me a favor. This is your only time I let you leave without to much harm. If you dont take it then we will kill each and everyone one of you. Except for Y/N, shes to important" arcane said.

"Guys we should go. Unlike you I wont die. And I cant have your deaths in my memories" you said turning to them.

"Guards! Off" arcane said. The guards steped back. Kid shot anuther one befor stoping.

"Shes right. Lets go" kid said then fliped liz and patty around his fingers. You smiled and started to leave.

"But we have a chance to kill her" maka said.

"We will have other chances! Lets just go befor I get any more time to kill free. I really whant to kill him" you growled looking over at frees knocked out body.

"Of course of course! Come on then!" death said.

"One more thing. I owe you guys one thing and thats where the kishin is. Send Y/N over when you need help with it and I will tell you what I know" arcane said.

"Cool. Come on guys" you shighed softly. You then started walking. Everyone still had there guard up while they left.

"What happened to your wings?" Stien asked while he noticed then holes in your wings. Two holes in your wings in the same place.

"Oh thats how they chained me to the floor. Chains around my wrist, neck, and hooks in my wings. I of course am ok now" you shrugged.

"Lets get icecream!" patty smiled.

"Yeah. Only thing I would eat was the few souls they gave me" you said. Stien looked worried.

~a few days later~

You where working out with black star. He was counting your sit ups.

"Your all sweaty and its weird" you laughed as you sat up.

"1,000,000" he smiles. You lean back onto your hands.

"Good go" you smiled. He stood up and offered you his hand. You took it and he pulled you to your feet then liz patty and kid came out.

"We have a mission Y/N. Father whants all four of us to go" kid says while walking past you and grabing your wrist. You followed him with liz and patty behind you two.

You guys walked for around an hour in the desert. You shaded liz patty and kid from the sun as your face went red from heat.

"So hot" you panted softly.

"I though Shinigamis couldnt feel heat" patty said.

"Im only PART Shinigami. So I still can feel heat. Just cant sweat" you say.

"I dont need shade" kid said rolling his eyes.

"So?? I cant put my wing over my own head" you say rolling your eyes. Then you got to the temple. You folded your wings in and shifted into your human form and walked in. Liz patty and kid followed. After a while kid starts to freak out.

"Whats wrong?" liz asks.

"Is it anuther symmetrical thing?" patty asked.

"Yes and I need to see if the main painintg is messed up or at an angle" kid said starting to walk away.

"Kid!" liz hissed.

"Wait. Let him. We can do this ourselfs" you said. You pulled them away and turned your hand into fire to light the way. Then you got to a big room a little bit later and after a few more monsters. You looked up at the perfectly symmetrical statue infront of you three. You took a pictuer on an angle just to annoy kid. Then took one normally to see what whould happen. You put away your phone and noticed that old bandges started to come from the statue. "Aww shit" you cussed under your breath. Liz and patty turned to guns and you shot at the bandges. They knocked liz and patty from your hands and grabed you and them. Under your breasts, around your thighs and knees, and waist. You groaned and grunted trying to get out of his grip.

Then kid came back and saw you three the way you where.

"Ahhh! Kid help!" patty whinded. Kid scared over liz then patty, then you. His nose dripped blood.

"You pervert help us!" you growled struggling.

"O-one second" kid says turning away.

"Ahhh! Kid please just help us! I cant take the presser! It hurts!" you yelled...

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