16. hanging out (part 1)

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You finched re-stiching your dad. You stood up. He stoped you from leaving by grabing your wrist.

"Wait. Where are you going?" stein asks.

"Out with kid and the others" you smile.

"Oh. Have fun dear" he smiles back.

You leave his room to here a knock at the door. You run to the door and open it.

"Hey kid" you smiled.

"He-" he stops himself. Because your shirt was pretty skin tight, it outlined your curves, and from the dim lighting in the lab it just, made you look half creepy half sexy and it was weird. "H-hey" he studdered softly.

"Come on. Befor my dad comes out of his room" you say pushing kid back lightly and closeing the door.

"Are you going to keep the lab coat on?" kid asks.

"You going to keep that cloak on?" you asked.

"Touché" he says.

You both talked as you walked down the city street twords the mansion. When you got to the mansion kid let you both in. You walked in and smiled then got attacked with a hug.

"Y/N yay!" pattys voice rang in your ears.

"Hey patty!" you smiled.

"Y-yay you came!" crona smiled.

"Hello kids" said deaths voice.

"Huh?" you looked up.

"Remember Ill be watching" he says befor disappearing.

"Thats a disturbing thought" you said then pushed patty off.

"So for the first like hour we will be spilt. So us five girls will be off in anuther room and do some talk. While the boys do the same in a differnt room!" maka smiled.

"Rather stay with the boys" you said.

"No you whould not" soul said.

"Rather here your perverted thoughts then go with them and do 'girl talk' or whatever" you rolled your eyes.

"Come on it will be fun!" whined maka.

"How? I saw how girl talk is. Talks about boys, inaccuracies, fears, and other random gossip" you rolled your eyes.

"Exactly!" patty smiled. She grabed your wrist.

"Boys help!" you whined as patty pulled you off to a room.

"Sorry I wish we could!" kid said.

"I hate everyone in the mansion right now!" you yelled.

~death the kids pov~

I herd a small mumble of something after Y/N yelled about hateing everyone in the mansion at the point. We waited a bit intell I got the text from liz that everyone was ready.

Ok here was the deal. I let them have this party. As long as I find out if Y/N likes anyone and if so who. And to see if my fathers plan can go into action.

~normal pov~

Patty, liz, maka, tsubaki, and you all sat in a circle on a queen sized bed. The sheets looked to be black silk with red pillows.

"Whos bed is this?" you asked touching the silk.

"Mine. Cool right?" liz smiled.

"...out of curiosity what dose kids bed look like?" you and maka ask at the same time.

"Black silk sheets, king sized" white pillows, and it has the skull on the black sheets. And kid lays like, right in the middle just flat. Its fun to wake him" patty explains.

You let out a soft hum of understanding.

"Cool. So what shoul we talk about?" you asked.

"The guys" tsubaki shurgged.

"Ok. Problems?" you asked.

"Sure" liz shrugged.

"Ok. Soul, where do I start? His hair is stupid. Black star, one word, ego. Uhhh, ragnarok to noisy, eats alot. Crona, to shy. Kid, oh, kid...hmmm...hes a weakling. Talk about the teachers to? Or mabey the kids that arnt here?" you say.

"Teachers as well" smirked maka.

"Ok. Lets start to spirit, one word, womanizer. Lord death, were do I start with him? Watches. Sid, hes a zombie. Oh, my dad, stein" you paused and did a small whistle. "Were do I start with my dad?" you asked.

"Thats cold" liz said.

"Ok. Other then him being a crazy, over protective, and you know, whanting to kill, he is, hes pretty, weird. I would say" you shurg.

"Ok nice things. We already talk about it so" maka said.

"Nice things. Soul, he might be unorganized, and, his hair, god no, but hes sweet, and when it comes to it he protects maka with his life and thats, cool. Black star, oh god, I dont know. Hes pretty strong I guess. Ragnarok, nothing. Crona, I whould say 'I dont know', but I do, hes sweet, he can kick someones ass when needed, and hes a good friend despite not haveing many when he was younger. Kid, I dont know what to say" you say.

"What are your thoughts on him?" asked liz.

"Hes, cute, really nice, and also can break every bone in someones body, but, that dosnt really change the fact that hes a weakling" you said.

~dr.Steins pov~

"Ok the teachers" maka nodding.

"Spirit, hes a loving dad, and maka you need to give him a chance. At least hes better then locking you in a room with ragnarok, or, dissecting your own kid after makeing them yourself. Ok, to death. Lord death, hes funny. Sid, hes pretty tough, probably my favorite teacher. Now my dad," she stoped herself. Come on lightening bolt! Say something nice for daddy! "Ok am I saying this as a student, or daughter?" she asks.

"Do both" maka says.

"Ok. As a student, hes pretty fun, mostly because I like the dissecting, and he is prtty good at teaching. Now as a daughter, I dont know man" she says.

"Wait what why?" maka asks.

"I just cant. It wouldnt be true. Hes not even that good of a dad. Hes to overprotective, hes a jerk when drunk, he trys to dissect me when hes drunk, he smokes to much, I can hardly breath when he smokes up the lab, he pushes me to my cravings of souls and dissection, he took out most of my organs to test on them, hes lucky Im still alive, and its a mercal I put up with him" she says then sigh...

'Wait...she still puts up with me...Why? Im a jerk'...

The Insainty To My Sainty? (Yandere!Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now