11. Captured

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"Actually we wont be that much help so" liz said looking at Girkio. She and left in a hurry with patty still as a gun.

"Girls! Now what in the hell am I going to use?" kid sighed. You turned into two death scythes and went into his hand. "Your a death scythe?" he asks. You didnt answer. "Awesome" he said. Then he sprinted forward cuting Girkio and mosquito. He kept useing you to fight. Yet. He couldnt carry the death scythes with only one hand so you went to a normal scythe and he got them more. He was about to get hit so you turned back and took the hit for him. You groaned softly in pain then felt the chains of the chainsaw start to power up and move.

"Ahhhh!" you growled. You grabed then chainsaws blade and it had trouble moveing but it still did. Girkio smirked. It was his arm as well. He pushed it deeper into you chest. Makeing your scream again. While everyone watched. Tears welmed in kids and Dr.Stein eye(s). Then you shoot electricity on the chainsaw makeing it shock Girkio. It didnt have much effect.

"Ok thats enough! We dont whant to kill her. Shes a facanting girl. And shes quite important" said arcane. Girkio took out the chainsaw/his arm from your chest and you fell to the floor. And he couldnt hide anymore. Dr.Stein ran to you and slid next to you.

"Y/N" he mumbled.

"Why are you here?" kid asks.

"I dont trust you and I sensed witches so I had to stay" he says.

"Dad...behind you" you said weakly. But he didnt care. He knew the attack was comeing. "Idiot" you said softly pushing him out of the way makeing mosquito fly past him and get stuck in the ground. You made your hand a knife and stabed it inside misquotes back where his heart was then took it out the stabed his head but you couldnt get enough energy to take it out. Your arm fell to the ground.

"no...no...no...No!" Dr.Stein growled and stood up twisting his bolt. Tears fell from his eyes. "You killed her" he said. His lip and eye started to twitch.

"She cant be killed by a chainsaw to the heart. What she is dosent work like that" archane said. Then HE came out.

"Look who we have here. The young death" he said hitting kid to the side makeing him hit a building on the other side of the street. "Stein" he said then kicked Stein to the side. He couldnt get the wave leangths matched in time. He looks down. "And little Y/N. One of them most deadly creatures in this world" he said. You looked up.

"Aw shit" you said then sat up in a jolt couching up blood then spit some out. "At least you gave me time to heal" you said. You stood up.

You started to fight 'free'. You both got eachother. And also doged most attacks. Then he got the upperhand. He hit you makeing your slam into the nearest building. Then he walked to you grabing the collar of your shirt lifting you up. You clawded at him.

"Both immortal baby" he chuckled.

"Wait what. Dr.Stien?" kid scolded.

"I whanted my baby girl to be immortal so what?" he asks.

"Your so stupid!" kid hissed.

While they argueded you tried to shock 'free'. But it wouldnt work so, nothing happened. And with you not haveing enough time to match his wave leangths and him turning them way down. Then it happened. You herd kids and your fathers voice for the first time since free got there.

"Y/N, my little lightning bolt, discrat him and fix your bolts. I know you can do it" Dr.Stiens voice rang, it was telepathic because of his bolt.

"Come on Y/N, you can do this" kids voice rang.

You pushed off the wall makeing free fall. Your claws come out and he turned into his wolf form and pushed you off rolling onto you and dug his claws into your sides. You screamed in pain and strgulled and clawed at the part of his arm you could reach with his weight on you. You whimpered feeling his claws scratch a rib. You felt his claw remove from your bone but not your sides. You start to struggle. Then he dug his claws deeper into your side touching your ribs again makeing you whimper and freeze.

"Found the place" he smirked looking at mudusa.

"Dug deep enough and she stops. Bring her" mudusa noted. Free nodded and as he picked you up from your neck his claws moved just off your rib but you pretened it still was there. Then you got him off guard fliping him onto his back and sticking your healed boot into his chest. He grabed your foot triping you and then you relized why your dad and kid couldnt move. There souls where pinned with magic. Then you felt a sharp pain through your chest befor everything went black.

Free took you off of mosquitos nose (???) and carried you bridle style away. Arcane, mudusa, mosquito, Grikio, and Eruka leaveing as well. Free was of course behind them carrying you. When they got to arcanes hideout mudusa let her magic down and freed Dr.Stein and kid.

~witch kid and dr.Stain~

There souls were unpinned.

"We just let my little lightening bolt get cought by the enemy. We need to tell death, a-and spirit, a-and the others!" Dr.Stien said starting to freak out.

"Stein clam down. Listen, lets tell the others, get a plan, and get her back. I promise" kid says. They start walking and kid let stien ramble on about what might happen and that did start to worry kid. But he kept his cool. It was just when everyone was getting to school that death called spirit, soul, maka, liz, patty, black star, tsubaki, ox, harver, thunder and fire, kiriku, sid, justin and even crona...

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