17. Hanging out (part 2)

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~normal pov~

"Why do you still put up with him after everything hes done to you?" asked maka.

"Because, I cant bring myself to hate him. I cant even feel love yet, I cant hate him" you said. "I just...dont I know how to hate him..." you sigh softly. "Lets just change the subject" you growled.

"Good idea. So whos your cursh?~ And you cant say no one!" patty said.

"I dont like anyone though" you said. "I physically can not. That chemical in my brain, dose not do that, because I dont have that chemical" you said.

"Fine if you had to kiss someone who whould it be? Soul or star?" patty asked.

"Soul" you said.

"Soul or crona?"


"Crona or kid?"


"Ragnarok or kid?"

"Ragnarok cant really kiss because he dosnt really have a mouth so, kid" you shurgged.

"Ox or kid?"

"Ewww. Kid"

"Harver or kid?

"Ehhh. Kid"

"Kirku or kid?"


"So over all, kid?"

"Yes" you nodded.

"Awwwww! Thats so cute!" tsubaki smiled.

"Oh and tell anyone what you hear here then I will kill you. And that means you lord death and who ever is with him!" you growled.

~Deaths pov~

"My goodness! She is actually falling for him! Yay yay yay!!! She is quiet the special one isnt she?" I looked at stien sid and spirit. Sid came up when she started to play the 'kiss him or him?' game.

"Yes. But if kid touches her I have the right to protect my propertie and decept him" stien says fixing his glasses.

"No you do not!" I said then reaper choped him.

"Ow!" he exclamed and rubbed his dented head.

"But we should not tell anyone and hed her warning. She dosnt have empty threats" I said.

"She sure dosnt" sid said.

"Lets keep watching!" I said smiling under my mask and truning back to the mirror.

~normal pov~

"Ok one more. You know who justin law is right?" maka asks.

"No" you says.

"Tsubaki get a picture of him" maka says. Tsubaki nods and pulls up a picture of justin and shows it to you.

"What do you think?" maka asked.

"Ehhh. Not my type. Nice earbuds. Hair, I dont like boys with blond. And priest? Really? Are you joking?" you rolled your eyes.

"Damn thats, thats cold" liz says.

"Im not wrong. I like dark haird boys" she smiled.

"What else?" maka asks.

"Dude. Im not telling you my type" you sigh.

"Fine! How about this, if you could pick a differnt dad who whould it be? Death or spirit?" smiled liz.

"Fine. How about this, if you could pick a differnt dad who whould it be? Death or spirit?" liz asked with a smile on her face.

"Death? No. Spirit. Mostly because I cant handle death. Like, personality wise. Hes to over exited about, like everything" you say.

"Sid or spirit?"

"Sid. Sid whould probably be my #1 dad. Like you know thoses dads that get the #1 dad mugs and such from there kids. Thats what sid whould have from me. Because hes just like the best guy to have for a dad. Dead or not"

"Ok ok ok, how about, what whould your child look like if you had a child with soul?"

"Nope! Not playing this game!!"

"Ok. Ok ok, so, what should we talk about now?" maka asks.

"Who do you wish just got together at scool?" you askd.

"Maka and soul" smiled liz.

"Maka and crona" patty said.

"Black star and tsubaki" maka said.

"Liz and kid" tsubaki smiled.

"Kim and ox" you smiled.

"Aww thats so cute!" maka said.

"He might be a jerk at times but he deserves something" you said.

"True" maka nodded. Then a timer whent off. "Oh its been an hour we need to go, get the boys!" maka said rather loudly.

"Really??" you asked sarcastically. "Come on lets go" you said and stood up off the bed.

"Yeah" nods everyone. They got up and you all left the room and went to were the boys were...

The Insainty To My Sainty? (Yandere!Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now