22. The beach (part 4)

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(God I forgot the beach thing went on for 4 chapters god)

"Wait what!?" you asked.

"Look. Death wants kid to have someone to care for, because death will become weak. And most likely die. And he doesn't want kid to be alone so, because you were the perfect match, he wanted you two to get married" maka gulps.

"So the only reason I like him is because lord death put a spell on me???" you asked.

"No! He wanted you to fall yourself. So, its real love. Because when he dies, so dose any magic spell and such. Unless of course its kid" maka says.

"Oh...well thats good to know. Dose kid know?" you ask.

"I think so. I mean I dont really know" maka says. You nod.

~with the boys~

Kid looked everywhere. So did soul and black star. Nothing. They came back and sat on the towel thing and started to dry themselves off.

"Sorry that we couldnt find the screw Dr.Stein. Hey, mabey she can control her powers better and she wont need the other bolt" kid says.

"Mabey" he sighs. Then, you and maka come out.

"Thanks for trying to help me dad" you hugged your dad from behind.

"You came back?" he asks.

"Of course! I coulnt leave my dad alone just because I thought I might hurt someone" you smiled sitting next to him. He hugs you tightly.

"Thank god your ok. I-I thought I had lost you" he says tears brimming in his eyes again.

"Dad let me go...air supply, low, cant breath" you said.

"Right!" he lets you go and whipped the tears from his eyes. "Because you only have one screw you need air again"

"Yeah" you nod. "So. Lets not have that little fact ruin the rest of the time here. Lets play in the water" you smiled. The others nod and run off into the water. You all started to spalsh eachother, and talk.

You and blair were talking when someone splashed you. You looked over to see black star, soul, and kid laughing. You shook your head and smiled.

"You just made a powerful enemy boys" you smirked. You spred your wings fully and flaped them twords the boys. They were then drenched in water. You smiled. "Mess with blair not me" you said. Then noticed your dad and spirit sulking on the towel. And crona trying to confert them. You leave the sea and run to them. "Whats wrong?" you asked.

"I just remembered what it means when you lose one of your bolts, and I explained it to spirit bow were both sad and patcihitc" your dad explained.

"Ok. Sprirt, yeah hes pretty patcihitc, but you, dad your one of the most powerful misters I have ever met" you smiled. "And unlike sprirt your loyal" you get stein to look at you. "And, another thing, unlike him" you hug him. "You have a daughter that will always love you"

"Awww!" sprirt says dramatically and hugs you both.

"U-uh mr.Sprirt, t-this is more of just a t-them moment" crona studdered pealing spirit from you and Stein. Dr.Steins arms wraped protectively around you glaring at spirit.

"Ok now that your this mature, stay the hell away from being alone with sprirt" stien says.

"When do I want to be alone, sorry, near him?" you asked.

"Good point...Lets go have some fun" stein smiles.

~time skip~

Everyone was tierd and it was turning dark. The girls covered themselves and you just put your jacket on but didnt zip it.

"I cant believe I still lost my screw" you said flicking were your other screw whould be.

"When we get back I need to replace that screw with a bigger one" your father says. You nod. You all start leaving the beach.

~kids pov~

Is it me or did Y/N start acting more mature seince her screw fell out? And her chest and butt has gotten bigger aswell. And, it looks like she hit puberty within a second.

~normal pov~

You and stein get back home. You laided on his table and closed your eyes. He started to unscrew your screw. He took it out and put another screw in your head. It was way bigger (thats what she DIDNT say ;)) then your first bolt.

You woke up in your room, the next morning at around 10:27. The screw in your head was replaced with a different one. You noticed how your body was differnt. Bigger chest, bigger butt, skinnier waist, like 8 years of puberty had a huge affect on you. Yet only yesterday you were a small ass-ed, B-cup 13, not skinny waisted girl, to a C-cup 39, big ass-ed, skinny waisted chick over night. And that was in your normal form. You sighed. Then your dad bursted into your room.

"Hel-...I should have knock!" he slams the door closed. You blushed softly. You had most of your clothing on, well you didnt have a shirt or bra on. You put on a bra.

"You dont have to act like that! You dressed me when I was younger! You seen it befor" you rolled your eyes.

"Well now you have the same body type as blair I dont want to remeber how little and adroble you were. And I just wanted to say good night" he says.

"Night" you replyed and put on an over sized shirt taking off your shorts and going to sleep in your bed...

The Insainty To My Sainty? (Yandere!Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now